little recording of my new universe.

Elysian893 said:
and using cubase sx2 and drumkit from hell 2

two major tips.

Fuck DKFH2, you NEED drumkit from hell superior... seriously.. i got it a few weeks back and it just blows 2 out of the water.
Upgrade to SX3... right away.

Nice recording, tone seems a bit week though. Double track it, OR just make a copy of the recording and put it on a 2nd track with a short delay 5ms or something similar to add a little variation to the parts and make the tone sound ballsy as hell....

That said, no substitute for a real double tracking.

Nice playing though.
i stopped doing double tracking honestly... when i have my analog portion of my vamp pro hooked up via my bbe, i record from my digital source, as well as my analog source at the same time, gives tonal variation and lots of boom... this time it was just spdif..
Well, if you compare Pod 2.0 with V-Amp II, Pod pwnz V-amp. The same if you compare Pod XT Pro with V-Amp Pro ( but in this case, the $$$ difference is quite big ).

Anyway, Yanko's is bigger. :D
Missiles said:
Well, if you compare Pod 2.0 with V-Amp II, Pod pwnz V-amp. The same if you compare Pod XT Pro with V-Amp Pro ( but in this case, the $$$ difference is quite big ).

Anyway, Yanko's is bigger. :D
i've compared a pod 2.0 to a vamp2, as the vamp2 is identical to the vamp pro besides the spdif out on the vamp pro, and a few other things dealing with that. same exact processor. pod 2.0 sounds like its underwater, muffled as hell, with shit cab sims. the xt is much of the same, only worse. and the pod pro xt is based on the same processor as the pod xt and the vetta, which also sound like shit.

really, i wish you luck trying to dial in any of the tones i get out of my vamp on a pod, i tried for about 2-3 hours on my friends pod 2 in phoenix, and failed, i unpacked my vamp so i could play guitar and have it actually sound good... and if you've ever tried a vetta you'd know the line outs suck unless you modify them. my vamp is the heart of my live rig, and my other guitarist uses a pod xt live, yet he prefers my tone, says its beefier, and just better all around. and i agree.