Live rhytam guitar?

when hes doing the chromatic fast alternate picking section in the solo he hits a couple of duff notes, but he plays a 3 hour set almost perfectly, i wasn't really criticising him lol :D

How can you hit duff notes in a chromatic section... Maybe they weren't exactly the same as on the cd, but who really cares... :cool:

P.S. I know your not being critical... :D
actually i just listened, its the bit just before the chromatic section, where he plays the famous seven notes, then he plays a fast bit, he messes up the fast bit, but he plays the rest of the solo immaculately. such a good dvd!
No shit he didn't fuck up... he was hitting different notes intentionally to give it a bit of change, liven it up a little ya know?

After all, it's not about the notes you play, but how fast you play them, and what difficult technique you use.
they werent different notes, they were duff notes, gay scratchy sounds were a crystal clear note should have rung out. THERE WILL BE NO FORGIVENESS, PETRUCCI HAS FAILED ME.
He usually messes up the arpeggios in the beginning of The Glass Prison.

Sweep arpeggios = Petrucci's Achilles heal

I'd probably lose my life if I said that on the DT forum, and I respect JP as probably one of the most consistent and accurate live guitar players around (trumped perhaps by Malmsteen, who is trumped by Mr. Flawless Paul Gilbert), but sweeps are not JP's thing. MJR sweeps and you can hear all the notes involved, Petrucci sweeps and it sounds like bllllllluuuuuuuuuuuuuuur. Ah well, every guitarist has some wacky little hang-up like that.

Budokan is a great DVD but I think Score = 100x better. It gets a bunch of extra points for being one of the few DVD concerts filmed that is not exceedingly dark, and drab to look at. I can see wood grain on the fretboard, hooray!!

No rhythm guitarist I'd say, I can't hear Pinnella well enough as it is. MJR is a clean beast of a player, he fills musical space very well and effectively being the sole guitar. Buuuuuuuuut if they ever do go that route, I'll probably shameless drop an application (and never hear back).:lol: