Live Rig Question


Axe Addicted
May 2, 2011
Hey guys, my band is starting to make some gigs n shit and I need to start thinkin about my live rig... I know some of you are in tours and could give me some insights about what I need :kickass:
My current equipment consists of a Marshall JVM (that I use mostly in studio), OD808 and a Decimator.

Now the questions are:
Should I keep that as my live rig and buy some cases and a couple of fx pedals to put in the loop?
Buy some line 6 HD or other pedalshitness and have two billion effects and lots of useful crap with only one unit?

Advantages would be, just have to carry a small bag with the pedalboard and connect it with wtv is available in the stage and the xlr outs to P.A. Versatility would be a plus cause you can just store any preset and have everything at your foot.
Disadvantages would be not having my pure amp tone rawness and what I identify as my sound; and also be dependent of what the gig venue has (sometimes just crappy combos that no pedalboard could make it sound decent), etc...

Live guys please tell me what to do :worship:
Personally í use a 6505 with a pod xt for fx only.
from my experience it´s easier to go this way than using say a pod hd direct to the mixer.
It may seem strange but in many places (small) it´s simpler to rely on the amp head and cab than a sim...
ex: i´ve played places were i have no monitors, so i relly on the cab behind me...
and a number of other situations that happen...but that´s another story...
Thanks for the advice mate, we should make a gig together! Whats your band? :D ahaha

Anyone willing to share some experiences?