Live set lengths, set variety & endurance these days


Ad Astra Per Aspera
May 21, 2002
Golden CO, USA
Okay. If you ever jump into the maelstrom of the In Flames board on this here fine site you know what I'm talking about. Same on Soilwork's though not nearly as caustic.

The battle cry of "why don't they play more old shit?" (insert whining, bitching, threats...quite comical). Well, it brings up a good point. Headlining bands don't play as long as they used to. Fact. I saw In Flames' set list from this current tour and liked it. R2R is not my favorite album, but it's their newest album and of course they're gonna play a lot off it. And they should too. Same with Soilwork. In In Flames' case they interjected some cool Colony-era gems and see them graduating slowly into a live role moreso like the kings of yesteryear.

Bands used to play much longer in the 80's in the headlining slot, but I think due to the intensity of metal music having been "upped" over the last decade even headlining slots are much shorter. We love the speed, aggression and all out energy-draining stage presence of our newer underground & European metal heroes, but are unwilling to accept that this makes it much, much harder to play a two hour set like the Maiden's and the Priest's of yore. So what suffers? Old catalog material. Because a band *should* be promoting their latest album on tour. That's the whole goddamn reason they're out, their label gives them money to go out for that album. To sell it. The whole spiel, you know? If you don't like that album, or that recent string of albums and complain they don't play enough "old shit"...stay home! Because that's what they're gonna play if they have a head on them and want to pay off their advance and recording costs...their new album material!

This also brings up yet another point. For the ultra extreme bands, what do we expect longevity-wise? I can see drummers (especially, but all musicians) in very extreme, technical bands like Krisiun, Crytopsy, Hate Eternal, etc. not being able to consisently play that fast and precise into ages that metal veteran bands are playing in now. If they can, more power to 'em. I'll keep seeing my favorites. But it's a human body question. What are your thoughts on these types of bands and their endurance/career longevity playing nothing but this style?
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What I used to see was a great set list, now I see ok set lists, for example, Testament always plays mostly the same songs that got more popular but no real things like "raging waters" and "blessed in contempt", but actually they have a great concert. Slayer plays good set lists nowadays but if you check out the reign in blood tour and south of heaven tour you'll see perfect and long set lists and it kinda seems like now they refuse toplay stuff like " the final command" and "praise of death" which would drive the crowds even wilder!! guaranteed!! Reason why the concerts were crazier back then. But this could also be because bands for no apparent reason (exept maybe aging, but I dunno)tend to get slower and less aggressive crappier lyrics, Why don't they just make an album like they used to do, no one seems to know the reason, personally I think they still can but their lazy. King diamond, goddamn how does he do all those masterpieces mostly by himself, I mean damn he's great!!!!, also Eric Peterson is the man, also doing something similar, butI want him to do another legacy!!! Sorry to whoever likes Metallica, na Fuck it, METALLICA SUCKS!! and it's now confirmed with their new album, wich is garbage in it's purest form. I could keep insulting their new stuff but whatever man, they don't deserve their fame and money, Testament, Slayer, Vio-lence, Exodus(the original kings of thrash), Laaz Rockit, SOD and so on.....
metalicarus88 I DON'T THINK THAT YOU REALLY GET IT DUDE! the fact is i would be bored shitless if a band kept on putting out album after album of the same sounding songs. what is the point of that. what is the point of continuing down that well worn path, music and art are ment to push the boundries, you are hacking on all of these bands because they don't sound like they did in the 80's, well here is a news flash IT IS 2003 GET OVER IT. i don't want to hear these bands resting on past glories i want to hear them break new ground and grow as muso's. as for the leanth of shows..... well i saw opeth on their last australian tour and they were great but after 2 and a half hours it really started to get too much! however on the other hand i saw megadeth on their last tour they played for the same leanth of time but they managed to hold the audence in the palm of their hands, their later era stuff may not have been close to their best stuff but it all went over really well.
Do you like their new material as you do their old or even more, because all they are doing is getting heavier with no real feel to the music, I truly prefer the thrashy sounding guitar, and Why does everyone hail Band's old material and keep on saying that those were the masterpieces. And I don't give a shit if it's 2003 because music is worse when it can be better, alright it does not have to be so much like the old days but just put on some good shit out! What the F... is with "st.Anger" that's crapp. They think heavy is everything. I just feel bad because of how all these bands went down. But you have to admit that past metal was way better. Because I can't take very much black or death metal, just maybe dragonlord or so. THRASH ON!!!!!!!