Living The Metal Life

Unfortunately it really requires a ballsy promoter or two out west to step up to the plate and make it happen. We'd love to play out there but the problem has always been the same....sure we could find some club to have us all play but the money would be zilch, and we'd have to pay our way there and so forth. At this stage of the game, we just can't afford to do something like that out of our own pockets, at least not completely. If a really lucrative tour or fest was being put on out west, we'd do our best to be there. But until that happens, we have to go where we're wanted and where we're able, and so far that seems to predominantly be on the East Coast.

If you guys are serious about the west Coast, I know Rhett from Keen Of The Crow very well, and he has been big into Booking bands tours, I guess he's been doing Promotion/booking for some time now. We got the offer and it is really about time for us, we will be out there at some point and would love to get together with all the bands mentioned on here including ND and FOE. Maybe we could try to have Rhett do a little looking and see what he can come up with on his end, If he is cool with it of course.
We've made plans with Rhett twice now, and had to back out due to other obligations. Last year, it was the west coast, or Europe. I'm not so sure Rhett will be quick to trust us to book with us again. Who knows, we want to get out west, and if we can make it work, and it won't put us in the hole, we would do it.
That kind of confuses me. In general, there aren't many genre festivals/events out west. Koshik ran his shit out of Jersey and Florida. Scott Lee keeps it in Worcester. That one Woods of Ypres and Agalloch have played is in Montreal. The Maryland Death Fest is Eastern. Same with the Doom/Grind fest. Hell, that almost-failed Death in the Forest fiasco was more here than there. It's almost as if the festivals/larger events stop in the midwest despite there being bands on that coast.
To me, that says promoters there aren't feeling it. That seems sort of odd because Ogre&Co. might not have been able to expand to Jersey but they still sell out Worcester with pretty shite lineups every year. And newer events like the Heathen Crusade are generating great buzz and apparently decent sales. I'd say maybe the Westside's turnout to normal shows sucks but I haven't been in a huge crowd at a Metal show around here in a couple years. (Of course the only big name I see is Fear Factory and I'm usually out by the time they come on.)
Yeah I dunno what the deal is exactly. We rarely if ever have received offers from the west coast in the whole time I've been in this band. We do get mail and messages from fans out there, but not nearly as many as we receive from the east coast. Playing places like California, Arizona, Oregon, etc., is a goal I would very much like to acheive sometime, so hopefully eventually someone will make us a worthy offer.