Living with a hernia (aka woman).


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
The woman will be moving in probably in a month or so, initially my idea and everything. Some years back I had a might-as-well-have-paid-rent girlfriend so I already know the basics, but I've never completely shared residence with one. Let's hear some horror stories.
Apparently. :loco:

If there is a The One, she's it. I've never believed in destiny or soulmates or any of that bullshit but she makes me question how I feel about such things. Pretty weird, but completely not.
Considering Doomsniffer has lived with hit bint for ages now, I appreciate the indepth advice you're sharing. :loco:
Living with a hyena is indeed hazardous business

I've shared a home with my girlfriend for about a year now, and though we've fought a lot, there's been a lot of other stress contributing to that.

Overall I love it... no more fucking phone calls and waiting around to meet up with her! she's just always there and i love it!
Doomcifer said:
I didnt start calling her The One and talk about moving in with her after a couple of months! lmao
I shouldn't have brought this part up because all I wanted was some fun/profit about getting punched by a woman during ragtime because of a spilled beer, but okay here goes:

We both recognize that the feelings here are different than ever before for anyone else, but aren't jumping into too much stupid shit just yet even if we both sorta want to. Living together is certainly a big step, but not one we can't escape from if need be, it's not like we're getting married or pregnant right away, if things don't work out I go back to living alone, no big deal. That being said if things do work out, we've agreed that around the 1-year mark we should know if this here relationship will be a lifelong one, and then we'll move to Japan or plan on having triplets or something weird.

Happy now? :loco:

EDIT: Galaxy 500 just came on, awesome. :headbang:
Forgive my skepticism nagger, just dont get caught up in the moment and be level-headed. 'Tis all. The relationship is still in the googoogaga stage wher eyou cannot get enough of each other. If it truly is meant to be, you have your whole lives ahead of you, so there is no need to rush into things.

If living together doesn't work out, it is gonna be more than "no big deal." ;)
Doomcifer said:
Forgive my skepticism nagger, just dont get caught up in the moment and be level-headed. 'Tis all. The relationship is still in the googoogaga stage wher eyou cannot get enough of each other. If it truly is meant to be, you have your whole lives ahead of you, so there is no need to rush into things.

If living together doesn't work out, it is gonna be more than "no big deal." ;)

He's right, even though I don't know shit. Either way, I'm really happy that this is working out for you and I hope for the absolute best and nothing less!
Me and my girlfriend plan on moving in together before the end of the year. It'll be the first time I've ever moved in with a girlfriend, and while it's pretty exciting and stuff, some of the time I also wonder WTF AM I THINKING? It definitely seems like a good make or break test of the relationship.