Lizzy Borden


24 Hours Ago...
Jan 2, 2005
City beneath the surface
Off hand, I admit that I know squat about this band. For some reason, I've always passed their stuff up in stores, etc. and apparently they've never really been pushed very well. With that said, I've been hearing some of their stuff played on Sirus Radio and it's actually caught my ear. I traded some cd's in for a new copy of their disc, Master of Disguise (the Metal Blade 25th Anniversary Edition) yesterday. So far, what I've heard seems to be good, catchy hard rock.

Is anyone else a fan of this band?

Well fuck yeah! HUGE fan!

Man you need to get his CD "Visual Lies"!!! The song ME AGAINST THE WORLD is an old school anthem for some of us!!!

He also has a new CD coming out soon. I cannot wait!
Brian ~
To answer it simply - HELL FUCKING YES!!! I've been a Lizzy fan since god knows when (ok, since around '85) and continue to be a fan. Love Master of Disguise but you gotta check out Visual Lies and Menace to Society.....hell, Love You To Pieces is a classic and I'd even give Deal With The Devil a of the cool things about them is they seem to shake things up quite often. If you see them today (check out the website), they are going with some crazy futuristic-biker-looking thing (they look kinda like the Japanese 80's band EZO!). They have a new disc called Appointment With Death due on October 2nd and the first track is on the Metal Blade website.....
Ok...enough fanboyism.
Drew ~
Love this band! I was jamming to some of their earlier 80's stuff over the weekend.
Their output over the years is merely average, a couple good smokin' tunes on the early stuff but with lots of filler. Notorious, Generation Aliens, Me Against the World are some great songs. They were/are a bit too schlocky to be taken seriously.
I have been a fan for a long time as well.
Although the production on the other CDs mentioned here are better, my favorite has always been "Love You To Pieces" with songs like "Psychopath", "Red Rum" and "Rod Of Iron".
One of the great metal vocalists of the 80's and put on a killer show with half naked women gracing the stage!!!
I loves me some Lizzy. BEen a fan since the first album, caught the few tours that made it to the east coast when I lived out there (Motorhead, Cro-Mags was one I think).

A couple of years ago they came around to a small club a block from the house. I was so excited, I ran down the street to get tickets, gasping "is it sold out"? They were like "ummm, no".

That night Lizzy & Co. played to maybe 30 people (including my now ex-wife, a Russian immigrant who thought it was hysterical to watch me and a couple of other old knuckleheads up in front of the stage). The band played their asses off like they were still headlining theaters etc. Even Irina bought a girly shirt, although the music wasn't really to her taste.

Afterwards, the guys all hung out, and some of the originals sat and talked about the old days with me.

I will continue to support this band as long as they are doing what they're doing. For me, they're like Manowar - I may not always like what the hell they put out (although Lizzy's last album was actually pretty good) but I will always be willing to buy their stuff or see them live for the joy their music has brought me.:headbang:

I love Lizzy Borden - now I know the general disdain of the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival around these parts, and I personally don't approve of the majority of bands they book, however I went this year for some of the bands and to have a good time with some friends since it's in the area - Lizzy played this year, and they were great. A little of a short set, but they were great. I hadn't heard much from them before, but I've been listening now. Nice stage show, too.

During one of the really bad bands (I think it may have been Job For A Cowboy), Lizzy, Marten, and Joey were hanging around the back of the venue and chatting with fans. Hung out with them for awhile, nice guys too.
Loved Lizzy since the olden days! "Visual Lies" is the best, IMO. Every song on it is a winner. I love the new look of the band, too. Just like with BLOODBOUND, I love the image to go with the tunes.
Loved Lizzy since the olden days! "Visual Lies" is the best, IMO. Every song on it is a winner. I love the new look of the band, too. Just like with BLOODBOUND, I love the image to go with the tunes.

Yeah, I didn't know what they looked like, so I checked out their website. I was surprised to see that they weren't a bunch of balding old men, but they actually look like a metal band. The image is pretty over the top, but I like it very much! Hopefully, I'll get to see these guys on a tour soon. Something tells me that they put on a great live show.

Lizzy can still bring it...RIP Alex Nelson...sad that lizzys guitarist for a long time is no longer with us to enjoy the continued success of Lizzy
Hell yeah man!!! Lizzy rules and I have been a fan since day one. Got all of his CD's, but the ones already recommended are the ones to get first (Visual, Master, Menace...). Can't wait for the new one!!
Yeah, I didn't know what they looked like, so I checked out their website. I was surprised to see that they weren't a bunch of balding old men, but they actually look like a metal band. The image is pretty over the top, but I like it very much! Hopefully, I'll get to see these guys on a tour soon. Something tells me that they put on a great live show.

Their image, especially Lizzy's, has ALWAYS been over the top. That only broadens their appeal for me.
Lizzy is awesome!!! MOD is a great Disc... VISUALIZE got a little comercial as far as thier stuff goes...LOVE YOU TO PIECES while no being produced as well as their latter albums still has some great songs on it!!!!
I like what I have heard of the new stuff!

We All Need...AMERICAN METAL!!!!!!