Lizzy Borden

Sorry Dungeon Master Lizzy is some classic stuff. Just pure straight ahead rockin. Nothing added, no excuses. Then again I'm an 80s fan that believe metal is to polished and serious these days.
I saw Lizzy once open for Malmsteen. And yeah they sucked hard that night but it was cool finally seeing them. I much preferred them to overrated, to many donuts past his prime guitar "legend" (his words not mine). Crap I just opened a new fanboy rant for some Malmsteen worshipper.
I hung out with Lizzy after the show and they told me stories about Betsy and all the old Metal Blade band (the good days of metal). And they all flipped out over my Omen 'Warning of Danger' t-shirt, asking if I saw that tour. My reply, "I was seven you figure it out". They were really cool guys.
I love some Lizzy Borden, Madam X, Malice type bands. Good stuff, good stuff.
'Me Against the World' Black Roses, now there is a horrible horror classic.
Me Against The World was the song that got me into this band in the first place. Heard it on the radio in Chicago in the late 80s. Anybody here know Scott Loftus, BTW?