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And a disclaimer for the end of this weird post - I don't want to embarass myself further and don't want people here to think I'm some sort of porn addict, hehe. I actually avoid watching, for the most part,

No!!!! You are a dude and saw boobies on the internet? Where's the link for that?
The Tuska program is finished. I don't know yet about attending the festival itself, but I might still come to town because the after-party program is the best in years.
I usually don't mind rain, but the weather has been awful for the last couple of days. Raining, even snowing, with temperatures slightly above 0° Celsius.
I've got some sort of spring break and was hoping of using that time to have a bit of fun before exam season hits - alas, not going to happen. On the other hand, I got some weird case of flu, so it doesn't matter anyway.
Universities are petrie dishes. I've always got at least one student trying to get me and everyone else in the room sick.

That's the thing, everybody from uni I know and meet everyday, which is a large number of people, is perfectly healthy. This virus dude has got something against me in particular.
Couple reasons for me staying pretty healthy are probably good hand hygiene and proper clothing. I actually find drying hands almost as important as washing itself.
That depends on how and where do you dry it. Public restrooms can actually be good places to wash hands, because majority of restrooms have those dry blowers and disposable papers (naturally) - basically, you come into very little contact with potential fomites, if you do it right. I'm of course talking about those better equipped restrooms with a certain level of quality. Those of highest quality even have sensors on their taps, so no physical contact is required. That's a brilliant invention, as taps are more often the not one of the biggest transmitters of infectious particles.

Drying your hands and/or face with a regular towel is not the best thing, though. Having your own personal towel is a good thing, but that thing can carry bad stuff in great amounts, if not regularly washed and cleaned.

As important as it is though, hand hygiene is not the only way to catch a disease, and certainly not the easiest one. I'm just glad I'm recovering.
Public restrooms can actually be good places to wash hands, because majority of restrooms have those dry blowers and disposable papers (naturally) - basically, you come into very little contact with potential fomites, if you do it right. I'm of course talking about those better equipped restrooms with a certain level of quality. Those of highest quality even have sensors on their taps, so no physical contact is required. That's a brilliant invention, as taps are more often the not one of the biggest transmitters of infectious particles.

Drying your hands and/or face with a regular towel is not the best thing, though. Having your own personal towel is a good thing, but that thing can carry bad stuff in great amounts, if not regularly washed and cleaned.

There are sensored taps in quite a few shopping malls these days. As for drying we have these towel machines where you pull loose a strip of clean towel, which gets sucked inside the machine after being used.

(Interesting, right? :lol: )
Hah, never seen that thing, I believe.

I think the single most awesome toilet I've ever visited was in some pizza place in Rome (ironically enough, the worst pizza I've ever eaten was in Rome - but not at this place) - it had a tap with a "foot controller". Really, two pedals on the floor - one for hot and one for cold water - so I'm shoegazing and washing my hands. Brilliant.
A truck carrying formic acid fell over and the whole highway 4 had to be closed for a few hours, causing one of the worst traffic jams ever in this town. Quite a grim demostration of what it would look like if 50 years of road construction were taken away. No environmental damage, thankfully.