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Speaking of linguistics, I've been wondering if in Finnish exist two different words for "married" - in Bulgarian there are two different - for men - a man is "zhenen" and women - a woman is "omuzhena".
I presume there aren't, especially considering that there are no different words for "he" and "she".
"Married" is "naimisissa" for both sexes, but note that the verb "naida" can mean either "marry" or "have sex with" (no reference to relationship status), depening on the case of the object.
An emerald green cat has been roaming the streets of Varna. The vet in the video explains that the paint is probably of a harmless variety - for food or textiles, otherwise the cat would have been seriously ill or dead by now.
Down to one bottle of my Oaked Double Brown Ale that we're saving for Solstice. The school term is at an end, so it's time to brew some more. Got a second gallon fermenter, so I'll be doing a Bourbon Oaked Rye Brown next followed by a Coconut Curry Wheat. No idea how the second one will turn out, but I'm all about the mad brewing science.
Got a new job. Much better paid than the current one. I am pleased, though as we say here: you shouldn't be happy about a new boss or a piglet - you never know what swine it'll become. But it can hardly be worse than now.
Couple of past days are among the coldest. And I don't mean the temperature, though it's freezing - constantly below zero, with a lot of frost. Snowed a few days ago, but now it's mostly ice and frost. Chilling. We got soft in these parts, there wasn't a proper winter in almost half a decade, so now we get surprised whenever white stuff starts falling out of the sky. Haha. We are idiots.
This winter took its first kill. My cat (or rather, my sister's) is missing. Has been for a few days now. He is barely six months old and this is his first winter. It was funny, he was so entertained and confused by all the white around him. I'm not very hopeful. Actually, not at all. The only real thing I hope is that we don't find his remains somewhere in the neighborhood when the snow melts.
Also, my girlfriend (sort of) broke up with me (sort of). In any case, she was a best friend of mine (sort of) and we won't communicate anymore by the looks of it...for whatever the reason. Some purely human one. I guess things happen that way.
That pretty much ruined this evening which was intended for some sweet Nick Cave music and rhymes, but I guess it can be worse. No beer though, not anymore.

Worst thing however - and I suppose that this is the worst thing - I don't care much about any of this at all. Haven't been caring for some time now.

Good thing - I got myself a real sweet present, and I'm stoked about it. It should prove awesome in the years to come. Also, my new shoes are really cool, comfy and warm in all the frost, I love them. I feel like Schwarzenegger (I actually typed his name without making a single mistake) in T2 when he exits the bar at the beginning of the film - bad to the bone. Sweet.

Happy New Year guys! Hope this one turns out to be a better one than the one that has just left us (well, most of us by the time I'm writing this haha). More music, alcohol and fun fun fun!
Seriously though, keep being the best like you've been for all this time.

Winds quiet in the night
Her body just blows messiah
Sickening sweet sight left and right
Is all right does not please my appetite
Yes! Happy New Year, and may 2015 be better than 2014, (even if your 2014 totally rocked).

Belgian strong dark ale tonight. Belgian Spiced Trippel tomorrow.

Once more round the sun we go again.
Papajohnny, at least you got rid of all the bad shit before the start of the new year :D
Happy New Year, everyone! May it be better than the old one!
Southern parts of Scandinavia and the Baltic countries certainly won't be enjoying the weather during the weekend. There is a slight possibility that hurricane, an extremely rare event, will be observed over the Baltic sea during the early Sunday hours. For reference, hurricane has never been observed over Finland's sea areas.

Finland is mostly safe from winds, southern parts of our country will get heavy snowfall.
Made a Last.fm account. My friends have been annoying me about it for so long, so I gave in in the end, just to shut 'em up. Cool thingy, but I'm not sure what the whole fuss is about.

Also, this is the first post in this thread since 9th Jan. Fun.
Gun culture is a pretty interesting phenomenon, yeah. I've met several gun nuts over the Internet during all these years of my surfing - most of them, if not all, are really polite and nice folks. Not particularly violent either, if at all. That was weird to comprehend at first. A stereotypical image of every American being a redneck who likes shooting his gun at everything that mo is a bit overblown, though I'm fairly certain there's people like that.

Anyway, glad nobody got hurt. Remind me, tuonelan, what do you teach?
I teach rhetoric and writing, with some video game stuff thrown in to keep things interesting.

And I think that the US would have a lot more rational firearms policy if the National Rifle Association hadn't figured out how much money they and the gun manufacturers could make off of packaging paranoia and bundling it with masculine anxiety. I have no qualms with sport hunters or with moderate, well-managed gun ownership. i think it very weird, however, that there are people who insist that the best way to prevent violence on a college campus is to give someone like me a gun to carry in the classroom. If some crazy shows up and starts shooting and I draw a gun and return fire, how can you tell which of us is the crazy when you or the police show up with your guns?

If only life were like a video game and all the bad guys had little red triangles hovering over their heads to let us know who to shoot.
MyGrain called it quits :( They had a try at new stuff for an EP but apparently it sounded uninspiring. Last show will be on 8th of May at Nosturi.