Logic 9 users - Click sound


May 9, 2006
Hey guys,

I've searched the entire manual on how to change the click sound on Logic - it only says any instrument can be used to trigger the click sound and that instrument (Klopfgeist or something...) is the default one. However i still can't find how to change it neither the channel (256) Logic supposedly creates. Anyone can help me ?

In the upper right corner of the Mix window, you can see various tabs. There's a group of 3 among them, tabs Single, Arrange, and All. You likely have Arrange chosen, and it's showing blue.

Click All.

This will show you the click channel as an instrument track in the Mix window, and you can change Klopfgeist to whatever you want.

Also, another good tip to alter the click sound is to right-click the metronome icon in the transport bar, and choose "Metronome Settings...". In there, you can do some adjustments to the click sound. I've had good results by adding the level of tonality. Makes it cut through much easier.
thanks dude, i just gotta find now how to change the click sound on a given instument. but thanks!:rock::rock::rock:
Klopfgeist will let you change the pitch of the click tone, but not the voice itself. If you want a specific sound for your click, just create an instrument track and load up one of Logic's software instruments with a suitable tone for the click, go into the piano roll and create the pattern for your click over one measure, then go into the arrange window and grab the region at the upper right corner and loop it for the length of the song. I usually just load up one of the stock drum kits and use a stick click.
Klopfgeist will let you change the pitch of the click tone, but not the voice itself. If you want a specific sound for your click, just create an instrument track and load up one of Logic's software instruments with a suitable tone for the click, go into the piano roll and create the pattern for your click over one measure, then go into the arrange window and grab the region at the upper right corner and loop it for the length of the song. I usually just load up one of the stock drum kits and use a stick click.

surely you could just load an exs24 with a drum kit on the click channel on the mixer, and set the the metronome to output the midi note that corresponds to a stick click or something?

saves having to program your own midi track.
i.e. like this:


just tried it, and it works a treat, and takes all of 2 seconds to do.

Klopfgeist will let you change the pitch of the click tone, but not the voice itself. If you want a specific sound for your click, just create an instrument track and load up one of Logic's software instruments with a suitable tone for the click, go into the piano roll and create the pattern for your click over one measure, then go into the arrange window and grab the region at the upper right corner and loop it for the length of the song. I usually just load up one of the stock drum kits and use a stick click.

OR send your click to a bus and cut the clicks output (on its original channel) and trigger off the bus with drumagog / aptrigga with whatever sample you want example cow bells, hi-hats or an army sergeant screaming maggot
OR send your click to a bus and cut the clicks output (on its original channel) and trigger off the bus with drumagog / aptrigga with whatever sample you want example cow bells, hi-hats or an army sergeant screaming maggot

Thats a great idea - easier and more controllable than using ex24 imho.