Logic Pro 8 - Lost & Confused n00b

Jul 23, 2007
My setup runs like this: JBL monitors running into my Presonus Firestudio 26x26 into my Mac, and I'm running Logic. And... I have no idea how to use this shit :lol:. I've never used Logic before.

I'm slowly working through the user's manual and such. I'm running my guitars through a Marshall JVM 410H and a 1960A cab. I'm micing with an electrovoice.

tl;dr: Can anyone give me some tips and such that I should keep in mind while starting out? I have very little experience with micing cabs, and I have very little experience with Macs in general so anything is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
What trouble are you having in particular?

I recently got my first Mac and switched to logic, and its been really plain sailing. I have found it to be incredibly easy to use and everything seems to make sense (more than could be said for v7). The manual is pretty huge but everything you should need is in there, and also you can access it from the help menu (incredibly useful as you can just search words in there).