lol @ what happened yesterday during school(metal related)

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Dec 13, 2010
So it was my last day before Christmas break. Anyways,in my music appreciation class our final was to do a little presentation on what we thought was the best album of all-time. The class would then vote on which was, and whoever picked that would win.

Of course, almost everyone picked popular albums(half the class had thriller, Beatles stuff, etc.). I picked To Mega Therion by Celtic Frost and did a good presentation. Of course, Thriller won by a landslide and only 1 kid voted for To Mega Therion(I didnt know him but he had picked "If the Light Takes Us" by Burzum so he must be at least a little educated in music). Because you weren't allowed to vote for your own I voted for his, even though i'm not a Burzum fan. I do respect actual talent though and no doubt that is an amazing album.

Moral of the story is: 99% kids suck and the world is screwed.
Obviously because Incantation and Asphyx have so much to do with no one giving a shit about something that happened to you at school.
It's just someone sporting an Incantation avatar has probably never heard of Celtic Frost or Burzum before.

Well, you might have heard of Burzum because Varg did burn some churches down. But no doubt the music would go straight over your head.
What? CF and Burzum are two of my favorite bands. And for the record, Incantation and Asphyx are much less well known than either CF or Burzum. See my page, fuckwit.
What? CF and Burzum are two of my favorite bands. And for the record, Incantation and Asphyx are much less well known than either CF or Burzum. See my page, fuckwit.

Like I said, you would know of Burzum.

"Hey! dude burns churches, herp derp. Kewl, i am so in, i dont get da music but he must be kewl!!!1"
*rabbles incoherently about Satan*

That is 99% of Incantation fans right there.
you sound like an image-obsessed faggot. Metal rules but so did the beatles. And so did Pink Floyd, and I would've presented darkside of the moon to your gay class and fucked their brains
Like I said, you would know of Burzum.

"Hey! dude burns churches, herp derp. Kewl, i am so in, i dont get da music but he must be kewl!!!1"
*rabbles incoherently about Satan*

That is 99% of Incantation fans right there.

You must be the single most idiotic individual who's ever been exposed to metal. Please go kill yourself. Metal is full of stupidity as it is.
hey RavageTheKingdom hey!!! RavageTheKingdom RavageTheKingdom!! NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT YOUR STORY! Stop acting like a whiny little bitch!

Just saying.

oh oh oh and Thriller is a great album!
By acknowledging this thread I know I'm slightly contradicting myself, but why do you guys even bother responding to these threads? Juts let them die. It's really easy.
It's just someone sporting an Incantation avatar has probably never heard of Celtic Frost or Burzum before.

Well, you might have heard of Burzum because Varg did burn some churches down. But no doubt the music would go straight over your head.

lol @ you acting like Burzum and Celtic Frost are uber kvlt, underground, and obscure.

I'd wager that at least 99% of the entire Ultimate Metal forum knows those bands. They're only two of the most influential Metal bands ever.
lol. I knew of Burzum and Celtic Frost long before I first heard Incantation, and a LONG ass time bfore I ever heard of Asphyx.
Hey, I don't care what all that guys tell you, I think your story was very interesting. I never thought that most of the people would prefer Thriller/Beatles over Celtic Frost, although I'm talking about music with fucking everyone. Thank you for showing me how corrupted the world is. lol.
lol @ you acting like Burzum and Celtic Frost are uber kvlt, underground, and obscure.

I'd wager that at least 99% of the entire Ultimate Metal forum knows those bands. They're only two of the most influential Metal bands ever.

I realize CF and Burzum are very popular in the metal world.
I am simply saying they are well respected by most( at least the two albums I mentioned, To Mega Therion and If The Light Takes Us.

Incantation on the other hand is just some generic Satanic band with no talent whatsoever.

And to the guy who said Thriller is awesome, if you actually believe it is better than To Mega Therion one of three things is happening. 1.) You don't play music and have no idea what constitutes talent, 2.)You have never heard To Mega Therion, 3.)You are retarded.
Incantation on the other hand is just some generic Satanic band with no talent whatsoever.

No, liking Thriller more than TMT is fine. But to say it is better music is just stupid. Its like saying Twilight is written better then "For Whom the Bell Tolls". More people make like Twilight, just like a ton more people like Thriller, but that doesn;t change the fact that the level of music made in TMT is so much higher than the catchy beats in Thriller.
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