LOM loves "_____"?

metalskater7 said:
im sorry man that band fucking sucks



Have you seen the video. ROFL! What a poor excuse for a bunch of ass pirates prancing around on tv.

I was at my friend's college dorm room and Greg the Janitor there likes a bunch of cock rock. This guy just comes in the room, and sticks this cd in and starts headbanging. :lol: This guy is the biggest tool I have ever seen. He lives with his mom is a janitor and is like 45 years old and thinks he awesome. He went ape shit when he learned Skynard was playing last summer. He was like dudes you gotta go see Skynard. haha You guys would get a real kick out of this guy if you knew him. The Die Inbread quote suits him well. Anyway that was my first time hearing "The Darkness"
I don't have an opinion on this subject, but hehe..
ass pirates


har har...ugh, i can't breathe
"The Die Inbread quote suits him well."

In....bread? ...................................................I don't even have a witty comment for that, it's just a retarded typo.
You slice it thin so that you don't use too much. Inbread doesn't grow on trees you know. And no, I can't give you my recipe. It's a family secret.