London 2003 Bootleg up for grabs...

You don't get it man... its not a sound issue at all. It is about getting people into trading bootegs, if you have ever been to a bootleg site, it usually says "No MP3 sourced bootlegs allowed", meaning burned from the real thing. Anyone can find bootlegs on the net, its all about authenticity.

If you are only interested in enjoying the bootleg and not caring where it came from, then don't bother with this. Im sure out of the 30+ people that have asked for this boot, some will put it on the net.

It may sound ridiculous to those who don't care about trading, but I think what Russ is doing is fucking wicked. It is worth the postage because it is real. And look at that fucking setlist?!... enough said hehe.
metalathiest said:
You don't get it man... its not a sound issue at all. It is about getting people into trading bootegs, if you have ever been to a bootleg site, it usually says "No MP3 sourced bootlegs allowed", meaning burned from the real thing. Anyone can find bootlegs on the net, its all about authenticity.

If you are only interested in enjoying the bootleg and not caring where it came from, then don't bother with this. Im sure out of the 30+ people that have asked for this boot, some will put it on the net.

It may sound ridiculous to those who don't care about trading, but I think what Russ is doing is fucking wicked. It is worth the postage because it is real. And look at that fucking setlist?!... enough said hehe.

WTF?!?! This makes NO sense whatsoever. You're STILL trading the songs, you're just doing it electronically before you copy it to CD. What difference does it make whether you record it first, and mail it, or if you (e-)mail it first and then record it?!?!?!

When you are recording a DIGITAL FORMAT, it doesn't matter whether the source came from one file format or another. There is *NO* difference at higher bitrates. At least, none that the human ear can perceive.

Look, I'm an IT guy, as well as a part time studio engineer. So you can't sit there and feed me this BS that there is a certain "authenticity" involved with a POS $100 dynamic mic, and a Sony MiniDisc recorder. You're recording straight to DIGITAL FORMAT to begin with!

Face it, the internet is an easier way of trading (YES, I said TRADING) music. Snail mail is worthless and costs money. The internet makes trading music DIRECTLY (i.e. "getting people into trading bootlegs, dood!") SOOOO much easier. It makes no sense to do things any other way.

FWIW, I've seen 'em live a few times now. That exact same setlist included. BFD.

FWIW, Why would I care where it came from? Music is music is music man. Doesn't matter who held the mic IMO. To think you're some hot-shit that should be worshipped because you held the mic at a concert is totally egotistical IMO.
skyshock1 said:
WTF?!?! This makes NO sense whatsoever. You're STILL trading the songs, you're just doing it electronically before you copy it to CD. What difference does it make whether you record it first, and mail it, or if you (e-)mail it first and then record it?!?!?!

If you knew anything about real bootleg trading, then you would know that mp3-sourced is a "faux-pas" in trading. Not all traders follow this (some don't care about the source), but most do. Yes I know it would be easier to just rip it to mp3, then email it or host it on some FTP server or put it on Direct Connect. But that is not the point here, Russell is providing a real bootleg (in terms of authenticity).

skyshock1 said:
When you are recording a DIGITAL FORMAT, it doesn't matter whether the source came from one file format or another. There is *NO* difference at higher bitrates. At least, none that the human ear can perceive.

Look, I'm an IT guy, as well as a part time studio engineer. So you can't sit there and feed me this BS that there is a certain "authenticity" involved with a POS $100 dynamic mic, and a Sony MiniDisc recorder. You're recording straight to DIGITAL FORMAT to begin with!

Like I said, it is not about sound quality. I understand that an mp3 would sound basically no different then that of the real thing. I don't care if you are some computer nerd who knows more than the average computer user, I was never debating about sound quality asshole. Bootlegs aren't suppose to sound amazing, just no mp3's. To you, this is ludicrous, but you have to understand, thats how it works. Doesn't matter how it was recordered, that is not the point either.

skyshock1 said:
Face it, the internet is an easier way of trading (YES, I said TRADING) music. Snail mail is worthless and costs money. The internet makes trading music DIRECTLY (i.e. "getting people into trading bootlegs, dood!" ) SOOOO much easier. It makes no sense to do things any other way.

Yes obviously it would be much easier, but are you willing to host your very own FTP server with this bootleg in WAV or SHN file format?...probably not. Too many problems could come from that (ie: bandwidth limitations etc). And if it makes no sense, why do people still use "snail" mail for trading eh?. You have to understand what is happening... it is not about sound quality!, im saying this for the last time, it is about having a copy of the real boot.

skyshock1 said:
FWIW, I've seen 'em live a few times now. That exact same setlist included. BFD.

hmmm.... well not exact same setlist dude. Unless you saw them perform Serenity Painted Death on the last two dates of the US 2003 First Leg Tour, but you've definitly not see 'Harvest' live, judging by your Southeastern US location.

skyshock1 said:
FWIW, Why would I care where it came from? Music is music is music man. Doesn't matter who held the mic IMO. To think you're some hot-shit that should be worshipped because you held the mic at a concert is totally egotistical IMO.

Well you don't care, and I understand that, but some people do. And where the hell are you pulling this "think you're some hot-shit that should be worshipped because you held the mic at a concert" haha. WTF...This makes NO sense whatsoever.

If I saw you in real life, I would put our discrepency's behind and I'd probably like you because 1. You are an Opeth fan hehe (rare find) 2. Im getting into audio recording myself. But, you have to understand, that it is not about the sound quality but that does not mean trade mp3's. It is important where it came from though, and it is favorable to come from the real source, no matter how minute the differences our (ie: frequency's in mp3 vs. WAV). There is an authenticity between a CDR burnt from the real boot, versus a CDR burnt from mp3's found on the net.

If you want an MP3 version of it, then I'll send it to you and thus you can save your postage! (seriously eh)... just understand what the fuck is happening here...
skyshock1 for an IT guy, you sure talk a lot of nonsense. You have no idea what you are talking about.

I'd look at another career path, specially if you are a part time studio engineer and can't hear the difference between a 192kpbs mp3 and a wave file.

.wave files are a mirror of the original source, like CDA track, you copy wave to wave, no different.
.wave to mp3 huge difference, specially on an audience recording, no matter, it's been recorded on a 1 track digital machine, through one mic, your mic isn't going to pick up everything.
What it does pick up, some can be lost in the compression to a mp3 file, regardless of bit rate.

Some people like still like proper music trading, that involves a little effort, time and money.

That way we get a decent quality bootleg, rather than a crappy mp3.

I might add, Russ thanks for the great offer and well done for not taking the easy way out and putting it on the net for some of these freeloaders to get hold of it without making an effort.
Hold on there people, no need to argue about this. I've stated my reasons for doing this and I'm not going to get drawn into why WAV is better than MP3 etc, etc...

I will say this however. If you want to get into proper tape trading then , in my experience, having a list completely compiled of MP3 files will get you started but it won't get you very far. With 'today's electronis system' people are preferring to trade with SHN as it is a lossless format, or WAV. But then of course, that depends on what circles you trade in. A lot of people I know are beginning to say that they won't trade at all with anything that has been sourced from MP3.

Anyway, what happened to the the human characteristic of trust? How paranoid must you be to not want to give out your address to anyone? I don't want to get into an arguement, but I swear, if everyone had this attitude then most of world's civilisation would turn into people who would never go out and rather sit in front of a computer all day downloading MP3s until they realise they havn't left their house for 3 years!! There is still something to be said for sending a letter...

Anyway, I'm not going to go on. The basic thing is this - If you don't want a copy then don't sign up, simple as that! I'm sure that once this get out there somebody will post it up somewhere for you to download.
There is an authenticity between a CDR burnt from the real boot, versus a CDR burnt from mp3's found on the net. [/QUOTE]

How so?

Please explain me that.

FWIW, I would host the .wav's on an FTP server if I had the space to do so. My server is already cluttered with all sorts of stuff.
gaz said:
I'd look at another career path, specially if you are a part time studio engineer and can't hear the difference between a 192kpbs mp3 and a wave file.

I can hear the difference between an mp3 file done RIGHT, and a wave file.

Problem is, why all the audiophile "I can tell the difference between 192 MP3 and a wav file" snobbery when it comes to a bootleg audience recording done with a cheap mic?

That makes NO sense whatsoever.
veil the sky said:
haha this is hilarious.

this guy wants to give you free music and he's getting all this abuse!!

also a thread about giving away FREE MUSIC turns into a great big argument. hehe. i love confrontationalism :)

Hey man, I mean no disrespect to anyone, and I really appreciate that this guy is trying to make available these live recordings. I just don't understand what all this audiophile cork-sniffing "original CD press" non-sense is all about when it concerns a live bootleg done with a cheap mic.

And I'm really wondering why everyone wants to do things the hard way with shipping around burned CDs. I've shipped CD's with guitar tracks on them to a studio in Ithaca, NY a few times. EVERY TIME one of them gets scratched in shipping. I always have to send duplicates along with the originals.

I'm just trying to save some people a hassle. But i guess the tRoO BoOtLeGgErS dOoD :headbang: like doing things the hard way. :err:
What would be the point of really explaining to you how this works?, you seem so opinionated that it wouldn't even make a difference. You think we're the "too good for mp3 snobs" here, and that we're trading in an illogical way, but would real trading occur if it happened the way you wanted it?, definitly not...

Don't get in an argument with me about "ohh what is real trading", "mp3's are real blah blah, its all digital, i know this cause im an IT specialist and a sound engineer, so I know the right way"..., despite all your knowledge, it is definitly not helping you in this situation..

Like gaz said "Some people still like proper music trading, that involves a little effort, time and money.". Enough said.
skyshock1 said:
.... I've shipped CD's with guitar tracks on them to a studio in Ithaca, NY a few times. EVERY TIME one of them gets scratched in shipping. I always have to send duplicates along with the originals...

Sorry, I really didn't want to get involved with this anymore. But in quoting the above, but I'd like to give another side of the arguement here.

I have to say that I've sent nearly 400 CDRs to various people all over the world and so far not one has been scratched. Skyshock1 - try putting them in some kind of padded envelope....

...actually couldn't you just send this studio some MP3s ;) ...


PS - the only actual reason I'm still getting involved is that it keeps knocking this post up to the top to give the people who may have missed it a chance to sign up :)
metalathiest said:
What would be the point of really explaining to you how this works?, you seem so opinionated that it wouldn't even make a difference. You think we're the "too good for mp3 snobs" here, and that we're trading in an illogical way, but would real trading occur if it happened the way you wanted it?, definitly not...

Don't get in an argument with me about "ohh what is real trading", "mp3's are real blah blah, its all digital, i know this cause im an IT specialist and a sound engineer, so I know the right way"..., despite all your knowledge, it is definitly not helping you in this situation..

Like gaz said "Some people still like proper music trading, that involves a little effort, time and money.". Enough said.

No no, you guys have made "how this works" quite clear. I'm just curious as to why you go around your ass to get to your elbow so to speak.

Would real trading happen the way I wanted it? If you're using a P2P setup, or even an FTP server you could specify who you wanted to receive the music. That way they'd have to offer you something. "True trading" as you've explained it to me most definitely *would* work that way. Especially if you did it using .wav or SHN files.