London gig with Akercocke

Ok - I've booked tickets online and they're "Collect at the box office" dealies, but noticing this page:
It says theres no box office on site!
Does anyone have any idea where I should go to collect? I should have asked this last week when I booked!
I'm kinda new to London (moved here a couple months ago). I'm heading there from Bromley, so if anyone is interested in meeting up on the way or way back then I'm all ears..
Called them, they said that its just that they don't actually sell tickets at the door. So if anyone else was wondering, just rock up with your reservation number and the card you booked it with.

I'll be the 6'6" guy with the Orchid shirt and kakhi cargo pants and funny accent.

Only a few hours now!

:headbang: Fuck yea! :headbang:

Ghost of Perdition
White Cluster
Under the Weaping Moon
The Grand Conjuration
Baying of the Hounds
Demon of the Fall

i might be forgetting one.
Silent Song said:

Ghost of Perdition
White Cluster
Under the Weaping Moon
The Grand Conjuration
Baying of the Hounds
Demon of the Fall

i might be forgetting one.

From what I remember the only one you're missing is Closure between White Cluster and Bleak. Remember, they did a very swift change from the ending of Closure into the drumming intro of Bleak. :)
AAAAaaaaRrrrr!!!! what a gig! felt like having sex.

the set list at leeds was pretty much the same. we'll see they gonna play in Exeter and Oxford. I want some acoustic stuff!! but that's just me. such a girl =p
What an awesome gig - much furthered my anticipation for the Oxford gig. Managed to take some great pictures too.
btw i'm pretty sure 'Under The Weepeing Moon' and 'The Grand Conjuration' were played the other way round ('TGC' following 'Bleak')?
Lee_B said:
Great show! First time I've seen Opeth in ages. Nice of Mike to call me a "fat cunt" from the stage too, haha!

LOL!! I was standing next to marcus chapmen when he said that-he said he knew you...hmm.
Anway, Amazing fucking night!!!! damn that pit looked scary, i was just on the outside of it, no WAY am i even atempting to mosh with a big heavy trench!
But yeah, Opeth fucking owned, Ackercoke were fucking HILARIOUS, i dunno if they meant to be, wtf was up with the "keyboardist" And i thought the singer sounded like dani filth gone wrong, and burst, hmm, didnt like them either. Just my opinion, but opeth were fucking AMAZING!!
TattooAnt said:
What an awesome gig - much furthered my anticipation for the Oxford gig. Managed to take some great pictures too.
btw i'm pretty sure 'Under The Weepeing Moon' and 'The Grand Conjuration' were played the other way round ('TGC' following 'Bleak')?

Nah, thats the right way. Pretty sure
diseasedmind said:
LOL!! I was standing next to marcus chapmen when he said that-he said he knew you...hmm.
Anway, Amazing fucking night!!!! damn that pit looked scary, i was just on the outside of it, no WAY am i even atempting to mosh with a big heavy trench!
But yeah, Opeth fucking owned, Ackercoke were fucking HILARIOUS, i dunno if they meant to be, wtf was up with the "keyboardist" And i thought the singer sounded like dani filth gone wrong, and burst, hmm, didnt like them either. Just my opinion, but opeth were fucking AMAZING!!
I thought Burst had a bit of potential, although it was hard to pick out some nice riffage from the noise. I thought PA system was a bit cack, and it had an effect on the Opeth set too (although Opeth still managed to completely slay).

Achy-cock had a few good moments, although they were a bit comedy. Their 14-year-old (looking) keyboardist was so overwhelmed by the sheer metal-ness of everything that he couldn't stop pulling ridiculous faces. The singer was a bit hilarious too. Having laughed about them a bit, I should say that their drummer sounded really class and both the guitarists were good players even if I wasn't really feeling it.
My first Opeth gig too (went with the 'Gruber :D). Great set, great band. They absolutely fulfilled my high expectations. Mikael is quite the most charismatic frontman I think I've ever seen.

Even though I thoroughly loved seeing them I feel like I've only really seen them at 2/3rds full power. What with no Lopez, Mendez sitting down through 99% of the set and thereby removing most of his stage presence (What was that about? I didn't see the chair but he seemed to get a lot taller every now and again) and the PA making all the quiet bits sounds like a fart and drowning all subtlety, looking forward to cathcing them again sometime.

The supports entertained me greatly - Burst were fantastic. Liked them instantly, even though I was in the cloakroom queue. Be getting some of their output very soon.

Akercocke were, erm, a spectacle :erk:. Apart from the amazing drummer, what's to like about this band? Laughable vocals, Ron Weasley on keyboards acting like a twat, the lead guy just came across like a dislikable tosser "Time for some fuckin brutality methinks!" *rolls eyes*. I'm not quite sure what pissed me off about this bunch but I fucking hated them. They have some cockiness. Like they think that they're actually pretty bloody good, thank you very much. Bleuch. Give me understated humility any day of the week.

Another nice point - came away having chatted to loads of really friendly people. Great atmosphere.
Awesome gig! Im suprised they only played one mellow track (although I prefer the heavier stuff). I loved the way the metalled up the end of Closure twas very rocking....I Saw the fat cunt at the bar but was too shy to say "Hey! Your Lee B"....hhmmm what else....oh I had a few metalhead moments...You know when 2 metalheads look at eachothers band shirts and go "ah dude...that band rocks":Spin: ....took some pics but I dunno how to post them anyone help me?
What a great gig. Much better than their gig at the meanfiddler! I think my highlight was probably Bleak or White Cluster but it all fucking OWNED!!!1

I thought Burst sounded good, but I was pretty drunk at the time they played so all I could really make out was the rhythm.

My neck aches now. By the way, is the guy with long blonde hair that headbutted me here? He was so apologetic.

I need a bootleg of this. It was a pretty packed venue so I bet SOMEONE taped it. However I saw a few people get their video cameras confiscated.