Look out San Diego, TD's invading your turf...


I was supposed to go snowboarding w/ my good friend Lori in Colorado next month, but she calls today, and says "Fuck this cold shit, I'm heading to San Diego, get your ass out here, then we're driving to Cabo, I got a X-Mas bonus to spend, and you have 3 personal days left!" :hotjump: Bot-a-bing, bot-a-boom. My live went from dreary and crappy to bad ass instantly. I sooooooooo need the tranquility of the beach. And Cabo San Lucas, home of the Red Rocker, this will be my Mecca!!!!!!!
lespaulbass666 said:
guess that means all the crack houses east of the mississippi will be suffering a business slow down for a few.
I think the dealers in Compton and Long Beach are happy he's coming out.
TD said:
You can come on out and watch over the Tyfeciency Apt. for a while. Also, I need someone to feed the pets, and take care of the hot-tub.
sounds like a plan. Please leave beer in the fridge and some pot for the wife.
DarbysDad said:
sounds like a plan. Please leave beer in the fridge and some pot for the wife.
You'll need to walk Cosmo (the mini shepherd) every night
Peter Criss and Teaser like to go out at night, that's cool, just leave the door cracked so the alley cats can come back.
Prissy is a high maintenance lap dog, don't leave her alone, she has seizures.
And Sophie is a bitch, just keep her fed.
Alright - piece of cake. I;m used to animals and their needs.

And Alex smoke all you want with the wife. She has nice cleavage by the way so you can get stoned and look at big boobs staring at you.
DarbysDad said:
Alright - piece of cake. I;m used to animals and their needs.

And Alex smoke all you want with the wife. She has nice cleavage by the way so you can get stoned and look at big boobs staring at you.

You'll enjoy Peter Criss. He is just like the rockc star I named him after. He stays out ALL night and kills stuff and chases ladies. He comes in when I leave for work, and if I don't pour him some milk, he punches me. Yes, punches. After I had his front claws removed, he taught hisself to stand up on his hing legs and punch at people :D He's pretty fucking rad. He stretches out across the bed and takes up the whole MF'er while I'm away, and then we chill until he goes back out for a night in the alley.
Peter Criss reminds me of my old cat Magic. Big black panther looking dude. Muscles up the ying yang. He used to got out for 3 days and fuck and fight then come home and sleep for a day.
DarbysDad said:
Peter Criss reminds me of my old cat Magic. Big black panther looking dude. Muscles up the ying yang. He used to got out for 3 days and fuck and fight then come home and sleep for a day.
Funny thing is, Peter Criss is all stoic looking. He wears his tux everyday, that's his coat. he has the face of Peter Criss through and through.

We should definitely have dinner and some booze whenever Lori and I figure when and what we're doing DD. You'll like this chick. She is fun, and she's not some hussy that would take a job dancing on poles at a strip club.
Of course I'm 2 hours from Diego but might be able to get some dinner. And what's wrong with strippers - in my old age and several lectures from the wife I try not to judge so much anymore. But I sill do.
That's a tough one but I'd still love her. They can make good money but I don't know how long they're careers last. I don't know much about the industry.
DarbysDad said:
That's a tough one but I'd still love her. They can make good money but I don't know how long they're careers last. I don't know much about the industry.
Yeah, but who wants their daughter making $$$$$ in the den of inequity. Shaking her ass for dirty men. Chris Rock said "if your daughter's cleaning the pole, you done fucked up as a daddy."
:D No one wants their daughter to be a tramp. If one of my nieces, or one of my little council girls ever went to work at one of those houses of ill repute, I'd go in and drag them out.
Anyway. Lori rocks. She is good looking, has a neat tattoo, is a traveling nurse. Works for the NFL and MLB, snowboards, and vacations with the Tatman family.