looking for a good death band

ok, ive got insomium's above the weeping world. thats really good stuff!
ive this problem with growls, i like some, but others i dont. (i like Betzefer, but not carcass, for example...)

I know what you mean. I'm at the point now where I like most forms of harsh vox, except for the lowest, incomprehensible droning death-vox, like in Cannibal Corpse. Don't get me wrong, the guys in CC are tremendous musicians, but I just can't get into the vocal style. There's many others like that, but CC just stands out.
I know what you mean. I'm at the point now where I like most forms of harsh vox, except for the lowest, incomprehensible droning death-vox, like in Cannibal Corpse. Don't get me wrong, the guys in CC are tremendous musicians, but I just can't get into the vocal style. There's many others like that, but CC just stands out.

it helps sometimes if you don't think of it as lyrics but as another instrument - a rhythmic, amelodic, burping instrument. not a fan of Cannibal Corpse but try Dying Fetus: Destroy the Opposition or Gorod: Leading Vision - both have really low burpy growled vocals but combined with the groove-oriented music, they're very entertaining.
Well they are a "Viking-themed" melodeath band. They are a really sweet band though.
Yeah, I guess that explains the stupidity of the lyrics. I agree, I've been listening to their material the whole week and it was utterly awesome, though they could use some singing bits.
ill try them, although lyrics are a major thing for me. (weather i understand them or not :))

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You'll get over the lyrics. The band's pretty fucking heavy.
Amon Amarth remind me of Dragonforce. Obviously, the one is melodeath and the other is "extreme power metal," but they both have ridiculous lyrics and extremely similar songs across their discogs (Dragonforce's first album excepted). Amon Amarth in particular are VERY generic. Now, "generic" doesn't always mean "terrible" (for example, Halo is a very generic shooter, and it's also hugely popular) but there really isn't a hell of a lot of creativity floating around in their discog.

Actually I prefer DF :rolleyes:
I disagree. Tell me a Melodic Death band that utilizes that much tremolo picking and folky-sounding melodies. DragonForce is very "generic". The rhythm guitar plays the same chord progressions in almost every song. The solos are almost all in penatonic minor and as Mikael has said they lack "emotion". I like some of DF's lead melodies and the vocals, but other than that they are garbage. Not to mention DF is extremely sloppy live. When I saw Amon Amarth it was a flawless performance. People say to give DF a break about their sucky live performances because their music is hard to play. Necrophagist's music is much more complicated and technical than DF's and they give a perfect performance. So "difficult" music is no excuse for a shitty performance.
I don't like DF, I heard one song off their most recent album. I thought I was listening to fucking video game music, it was awful.:erk: :puke:
Halo is a very generic shooter, and it's also hugely popular QUOTE]

Very true, I personally thought it was okay, but it's kinda child's play to me. But I played the Halo 3 Beta, surprisingly enough I actually enjoyed it a lot. But I think Gears is better though.

As for death bands, I'm having hard time getting into this genre. After all the other good music I've heard, most death seems kinda bland. Decent riffs and all, but there isn't much atmosphere or emotion. I'm gonna try Kalmah, Insomnium, and Rapture, but still I need to find some more groups.
Actually yeah, I dug the beta too.

And yeah, I know DF are generic, that's why I compared them to Amon Amarth. The only thing AA really have going for them is an amusing gimmick and better vocals than most melodeath, as far as I can tell. I'm not saying I don't like some of their songs- like I said, I enjoy DF occasionally, too. I just wouldn't want to listen to more than a few songs by either group in one sitting, as they are very similar (says the guy with the Skinless sig).

Anyway, WTF555666, most of *any* genre is rather bland. Boring DM abuses your ears a lot more than boring rock, but in the end I'd say the ratio of suck to rock is pretty similar.

Death metal is also a fairly broad genre- beyond the (relatively) similar vocal style, there is a lot of variation to be had. You should try a bunch of different out to see what vein you like. Some suggestions (not all of them conform to your requests, so avoid any that sound unpromising):

For the progressive side, obviously Opeth, and perhaps Orphaned Land (I never got into them but I know a lot of people who really like them) or Therion, who are hardly death at all, really... these guys all use clean vocals and avoid the typical sonic frenzy in favor of a more atmospheric -or, in the case of Therion, symphonic- approach to things. Death has also released several albums that are more prog than death, such as Symbolic, Human (both genre classics) Individual Thought Patterns and The Sound of Perseverance.

Technical death such as Nile, Suffocation, Necrophagist, Decapitated, and Cryptopsy is a genre that I found some appeal in for a while. Out of those ^ Nile is my favorite because they mix up the frenetic speediness with slower-tempo stuff and cool Egyptian sounding interludes; too much intensity just gets tiresome after a while. I personally feel that most of those other four are rather boring, but a lot of people would disagree with me, see what you think. All of those bands have harsh vocals; however, I find that they can be easier to get into because the focus in most cases is on the instrumental craziness, and you aren't really paying as much attention to growling as you would be with, say, Morbid Angel.

Doom/death is a genre I don't know a hell of a lot about, to be honest. From what I've listened to, it seems that the vocals frequently alternate here, and the slower pace makes it a bit less punishing than standard death. Check out Swallow the Sun for a new band that tends towards the growly side, or Draconian for a band that incorporates much lighter stuff, including clean female vocals. Early Katatonia and Paradise Lost also falls into this genre, and Mike from Opeth actually does the vocals on Katatonia's "Brave Murder Day." Believe that a previous rec, Daylight Days, would also be considered doom/death, although I don't listen to them (actually they might be melodeath...? No fucking clue). Morbid Angel play a lot of their stuff at a very doomy pace, too, although I'd still consider them just a plain ol' death band in the final analysis.

I'm fairly confident that you won't be interested in brutal death metal.

Melodeath is a genre that a lot of new death metal fans get into as a sort of intro, and people have already been recommending a lot of stuff that falls under that heading, like Amon Amarth and Insomnium. Dark Tranquillity, Scar Symmetry, At the Gates, and old In Flames are fairly standard bands that fall under this heading as well.

Last, but not least, there's just vanilla DEATH METAL that can't really find a subgrouping. Dismember and Entombed are names that come to mind. I've been listening a lot of Skinless lately, which is another example of typical DM fare. This is all more or less hit or miss, and it might be the kind of thing you ease into out of melodeath or prog-death.

Hope that sort of helped

oh and if it's "emotion" you want, check out pig destroyer, that shit's fucking creepy
I thought I was listening to fucking video game music

Uh... yeah. They're named after a video game, and they list video game soundtracks whenever they're asked about their influences and favorite albums, so that's probably not a coincidence.
im now into insomnium. i l;ike the atmosphere, the emotion the music sort of blows into you... (to love is to ache.. only fool's hope remains) they remind me of old opeth, and thats really good.
i've swallow the sun somewhere (not the new one, the one befor that), ill try it once again.

orphaned? to much of that oriental touch..

ill try skinless..

thanks man :)
"Since The Day It All Came Down" is much better than "Above The Weeping World" imo. Check it out if you havnt.

Im not sure i get what it is you dont like, but S<issors mentioned alot of good stuff. Entombed espcially have that heavy sound with not too gutteral growl on Clandestine and Wolverine Blues. And Hypocrisy like someone said, Peter is one of the best growlers, Virus is very good album.

No one has mentioned Edge of Sanity yet i think, Dan Swan&#246; sounds a bit like Mike. Would recommend Purgatory Afterglow, Crimson, Crimson II. And also Moontower by Dan.
Sentenced - Shadows of the Past! Possibly the most underrated DM album out there. It's got atmosphere, heavy riffs, and Miika Tenkula's growl kicked ass! Sure, North From Here, Amok and Love and Death are all classic melodic/death albums, but dammit! SotP is so much more brutal and raw!
And if you're a fan of Mikael, Bloodbath's Breeding Death and Resurrection Through Carnage are essential!
I know what you mean. I'm at the point now where I like most forms of harsh vox, except for the lowest, incomprehensible droning death-vox, like in Cannibal Corpse. Don't get me wrong, the guys in CC are tremendous musicians, but I just can't get into the vocal style. There's many others like that, but CC just stands out.

I certainly hope you are reffering to the old material with Chris Barnes and not anything with George as the vocalist...

anyways, to the original poster... check out
Novembers Doom- The Pale Haunt Departure
Kataklysm- In the Arms of Devastation
Bloodbath- Nightmares Made Flesh
Amon Amarth- Versus the World
and if youre feeling particularly brutal... Cannibal Corpse- The Wretched Spawn

all with great and accessible death vocals
Atheist...they are sometimes called "Death-Jazz" or some sort of Technical Metal. The guitars are good; not as crazy as, say, Necrophagist or Decapitated, and the vocals aren't deeply growled or anything like that. If you haven't already heard this band, try Unquestionable Presence definitely.