Looking for a LDC microphone, any suggestions?


Jan 29, 2006
Nieuw-Buinen, The Netherlands
Ok. So normally I run my vocals through a Shure SM7b.
It works really well, but I've come to notice that some voices don't really suit it. I don't have the cash to invest 1000 euro's for a LDC mic.

I've traced down some Rode NT1-A which I can get for about 120 euro's, is it worth it?
Are there any other <250/300 euro options which might be worth looking into?
Looked into a couple more mics that will fit my budget.

Got an AT4033, AKG C214 also on the list.
Both can be bought within my 250/300 euro price range.

I can get an AT4033 for 200,-
Or an AKG C214 for 250,-

p.s. thanks guys for the response

@VWAS2009, unfortunatelly that's a bit more out of my price range.
4033 is awesome. I don't think you would hate any of these choices I have a rode NTK and I like it.
Studio Projects TB1, T3, C1 or C3? Not sure what the prices are on those in your area. Also the SP LSM and AKG Perception 200 should be on your list for decent, cheap LDCs.

EDIT: Just realized you said 200-300. The tube SPs might be out of that range (definitely are), but check out the SP mics. I've heard naught but great things, and the frequency chart of the B1 is shockingly similar to the Neumann M269.
Myself, I've always been intrigued by the Audio Technica AT-4047 and the multiple pattern variation of it. The Neumann TLM103 also fits the price range, but I honestly only rarely like it.

Shit, I read that you were willing to invest &#8364;1000 instead of not, sorry about that :lol: I have the Oktava Mk-319, obviously unmodded, and have been quite pleased with it. Haven't really liked any of the Røde mics I've used except the K2.
I'm getting an M-Audio Sputnik LDC tube mic in the next couple weeks which is around £300 - it's more or less the Groove Tubes GT67 in terms of sound (and components) which I've heard really good things about.

I'l keep you updated when I get it.