Looking for a 'lightweight' guitar recommendation


Sep 7, 2008
London, UK
So what would people recommend in terms of lightweight? Is it the case that a mahogany body is generally just going to be heavy as all fuck? How heavy are PRS's for instance?

I ask, because I was pretty certain on getting a FAME Forum IV with Seymour Duncan pickups (http://www.musicstore.com/en_EN/EUR...nslucent-Black-SH4-SH2-PUs/art-GIT0021803-000), but it's a mahogany body... and I'm just wondering whether there is going to be much difference between that any my Orville Les Paul - which weighs a ton!!

I need something that tonally is fairly balanced, with a nice top-end to it... nothing brittle sounding. I dont know my tone-woods too well, but I get the impression mahogany is quite dark sounding. So I'm not too attached to it... but I have the impression that most alder is cheap and shit. Am I just being a twat on that front?

I play hard-rock, metal, and use a Fryette Sig X. A decent clean tone is also important to me, as we're quite a tonally dynamic band.

Budget... hmm.. gonna be a maximum of £800. I'm also left handed btw.
hey dude, i've got a dean vmnt which is mahogony but way lighter than an alder v ive got. I've got a wicked levi's leather strap on it too so it is super comfortable.
PRS SE's are very lightweight considering they're mahogany. Sound great too. If you're worried about it being too dark then just slap a bright pickup in it.

Anything with a basswood body should generally be pretty lightweight. If you're looking for the ultimate "weighs nothing" guitar then that Yamaha RGX A2 is the lightest guitar I've ever played in my life.
general model recommendations won't necessarily help you...
I had a heavy Les Paul and a very light one (same year), the lightest guitar I've ever owned was a flying V Medallion (the one Grapow used on the Masterplan recordin), one of the heaviest guitars I own is a....flying v.
one of my RR1 is fairly heavy, another one of my RR1 is very light....if you wanna be SURE to get a light guitar get the RGX A2 or the Parker Fly (I'm really GASsing for one myself)
my nik huber krautster is pretty light, also my ran randy rhoads and my musicman axis..
perhaps you can find a 2nd hand musicman axis for £800, they are nice and bright sounding, having a good balance, awesome neck feel and are quite lightweight


i got mine for about lesser than £900 from the uk btw, 2nd hand..
I'm also left handed btw.

Hahah, yeah that's gonna narrow it down some. I can suggest Agile since they have a decent selection of lefties and they offer mahogany bodies on most of them. Not sure about the weights on them but I think with any 6 string you'd be getting around average weight, comparable to any super strat.