Looking for a new CPU

Oct 27, 2007
Montreal, Canada
Does anyone know websites that tells CPU compatibily with motherboards?

Presently I have a Asus P5QL Pro motherboard, and a Core 2 Duo E8500, and when my mixes are almost done and I have lot of plugins, my CPU is always near 100% and I get tons of crackles even using largest buffer size...

Anyone has a CPU suggestion for me? Would be great if I don't have to buy another motherboard/ram :(
if you visit newegg.com and look for your chip, it will tell you what kind of chipset it is. Also, your manual for your asus board should tell you what type of chipset it is. so once you find that out just search by chipset and youll see all your options.
if I understand correctly, the Q9550 would be the best CPU I could have for my board...I'd like a better one like a core i7, I'd have to buy a new motherboard and new ram by the same way...

My budget was 500$, so I think I'll go with the Q9550.
With 500$, if you find a good deal, you can score an i7 with 6gb ram and a motherboard. i7 930 is 300$, and then 100$ for the ram and a little over 100$ for the mobo. Check Newegg package deals and you might find something under 500.