Looking for a nice Poweramp Pls help!

Sep 8, 2005
i am in need of a good poweramp for my sansamp psa-1, i watched three choices:

Tubeworks Mosvalve MV-962 (i know is Solid State but i´ve heard very good coments, and is cheap too)

Peavey classic 50/50 ( good coments over the internet, even has preamp tube, maybe is a good thing because the sansamp doesn´t have tubes)


Mesa 50/50 ( but is everytime more expensive on ebay)

Someone have tried one of these??

i don´t, i am only basing my decision on reviews and coments. or maybe another poweramp

now, in the tech 21 site, they recomend to use the psa-1 with Solid State poweramps, tube poweramp can compress too much the signal, because is a tube emulating preamp. so this maybe truth, or maybe not?

im planning to buy a tube head maybe a dual rectifier, but in aprox. two years, now i want to use the preamp in combination of a good poweramp.

Thanks in advance for any help guys
i used to own mos valve and i actually liked it in combination with digitech 2101 preamp which was tube.

But that was before i really got into tube stuff and i don't think i would ever go back to it if i had the option to get a peavey tube power amp or mesa. I always wanted to get one of those peavey 120/120 classics seems like a good power amp! the mesa simul 295 or 395 looks sick too but pricey!!
Thanks for the reply.
i Really want the mesa, because i want to switch to tube amps, but for now is a little bit expensive, i´ll maybe grab the peavey, but im exceptical about peavey hehe, a few of bad experiences. i played with a marshall valvestate power amp and like ir, but doesn´t have too much volume.

so the searching goes on.
you want tube!!!!

once i made the jump from solid state i was like wtf was i thinking all those years!!

I don't think that peavey would let you down:rock: :kickass: :rock: