Looking for a second pair of monitors


Apr 18, 2010
So, I'm in the market for a second pair of monitors soon. Right now I'm using M-Audio BX8as and I like them but I see a lot of people hating on them so I figured maybe getting a second pair would help me out along with my ATH-M50s.

My room is treated and is a little smaller than most home studios (13'x11'x6.5') but I like the low end of the 8" speakers.

So I was looking at Yamaha HS80s but what else is there in a $600 budget? Used is fine.
Be aware that Yamaha just upgraded the HS line this year. The HS80 is now the HS8. I would wait for reviews comparing the two; I don't think many people have heard the HS8 yet.
Just my 2 cents here, I really like my Behringer B2031A's. It was between that and the Yamaha HS80, both sound really great.
I think I'm gonna have to pass on NS-10s. I just don't have a decent amp laying around and am trying to stay at around $600. I hear decent things about Equator but I there's no where I could test them. Adam A7Xs I hear mixed things about too. Like that the last generation was better an such.

I still want to keep the BX8as just as something else to reference off.
Just my 2 cents here, I really like my Behringer B2031A's. It was between that and the Yamaha HS80, both sound really great.

You're not alone. For Behringer, these speakers really surprised me. Careful with the tweeter, though. I busted one of mine recently and they don't sell the parts to fix it so I had to pay for a new one :Smug:

Take a look at KRK V8's, the Behringer Truth series, Yamaha HMs, and Tannoy Reveals and you'll get a better idea of whats out there and what you need.