Looking for an alexi-600 in the usa


New Metal Member
Apr 26, 2012
Eastern, NC
Hello everyone, i am looking for an alexi 600, i would really like the black and pink, black and yellow second but any of them would be ok. i have a very nice jackson dinky i will trade, its a fairly rare professional pro model, gun metal grey,Alder body, quartersawn rock maple neck, and reverse headstock. i have about 300$ in electronics in the guitar with EMG 81/60 and new emg EMG/ and switchcraft parts. its a fantastic guitar but i basically have two identical guitars now so im looking for something different. let me know if youve got one. thanks
Tbh, the most I would pay for that guitar is 500 give or take, especially when their are other guitars out there that are way better for your money. It looks like it probably plays pretty nicely but it's nothing mindblowing. KH-2's don't really impress me either. Half of the reason that guitar is priced that way is because it's a signature model :/ I have one here at my house and it plays decent but it can't hold a light to the other couple guitars we have sitting around.

But yes, I would agree selling your guitar is your best bet because in all honesty that's not a very good deal for an LTD - Alexi.

Once again, not trying to be a dick, just being helpful.