Looking for "beautiful" heavy/black metal


Oct 3, 2013
OK, so this is my first post :)

I'm pretty new to the black/death/extreme metal scene and I've only heard, like, 5 or 6 tracks. I'm a longtime Iron Maiden and Metallica fan, though.

I'm looking for some epic black/death metal. I'm not comfortable with (please don't flame me for this) extremely violent lyrics (e.g Disasterpiece) or themes (dying fetuses, rotting corpses and the like.) In fact one thing I like about the genre is the extremely challenging instrumental work that goes with the vocals. I also like "melodic"/"orchestral" metal and instrumentals.

Could the gurus here recommend me some mindblowing bands/songs?

(I like some Cradle of Filth, especially Nemesis and the Iron Maiden covers!)
There is also: Amorous Anathema, Amber tears (admittedly I can't vouch for the lyrics since it is in Russian), also you could check out forest stream, but I am guessing they might push your boundary on lyrics. however, that being said it is only a few of their songs that would.
It depends on what you consider "beatiful".

Alcest often have very "soft" and "dreamy" melodies, maybe you like that:

Same goes for "Lustre":

If you're more into the epic stuff, listen to the beforementioned "Summoning", or stuff like "Árstíðir Lífsins":

A great band I personally like are "Dråpsnatt" - nice melodies with strings and piano and an amazing voice:

The new "Gris" album is great too, but a bit more sombre or sad, you might say:

Another band I worship is "Falkenbach", who combine great accoustic parts with very metal-unusual vocals:


"Eisregen" are a fun band, although I guess you need to understand the lyrics, to fully enjoy them - and they're pretty bloody sometimes, which you said you didn't like, but you may try:

In fact one thing I like about the genre is the extremely challenging instrumental work that goes with the vocals.
I wouldn't consider them "beatiful", but challenging instrumental work fits to "Deathspell Omega":
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