A Metal Layperson Looking for Recommendations


Clueless member
Aug 8, 2012
I'm 32 and have never really understood the appeal of Metal; I've been an obsessive fan of all things Punk but despite my many Metal friends I could never 'get' Metal. I've liked heavier Punk that sways into thrash like Propagandhi's more recent music, Swallowing Shit, Grade, and Alexisonfire.

I've never found anything I liked much until last month when I came across theMastodon album Leviathan.

I love it and I can't stop listening to it!

I think the main thing that has always held me back from Metal was if the singer was doing the high pitched singing (like Iron Maiden), or the growling.

Can anyone recommend something like Mastodon to me? Something without the high pitched singing or growling and something that is as melodic as that album.

I really want to be able to enjoy your diverse genre but am looking for a place to start. Thank you in advance.
Should also check out Motörhead, it's not like Mastodon, but it's got plenty of punk attitude I'm sure you'd enjoy. I'd also recommend early Voivod (War and Pain, Killing Technology), idk if you know the punk band Die Kreuzen, but the two have a lot of similarities and Voivod was heavily influenced by them.

Other than that, do you like/know of crossover/thrash? Stuff like S.O.D, Cro-Mags, D.R.I etc.?
What about crust punk like Amebix and Axegrinder?
Nuclear Assault and Anthrax also have quite a bit of punk elements.

Just some different stuff to consider. :)

EDIT: Would definitely help to know what kind of punk bands you're into though.
They're instrumental and awesome![URL="http://truckband.bandcamp.com/] check out the ten minute song "The Most Common Threat is Danger."
uh Bear vs. Shark, Planes mistaken for stars, and Defiant hearts. Defiant hearts is more on the melodic side though