Looking for free downloadable software for...


Feb 28, 2008
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...recording, mixing, etc, etc. There's a program called Kristal, but I don't think it works with Vista, which is what I got.

A little help?:oops:

SHIT! Hey Samsara, can you move this to "Non-Opeth"??:oops::oops::oops:
You can get plenty of info at http://www.kvraudio.com/; do a search in their forum, or make an account, and ask. I would give you some recommendations, but I really have never used any free DAW's, the inexpensive price tag on many of them was just more then worth it for me when I was starting out.
I haven't tried it myself, but I've heard good things about 64 Studio.

It's a completely free linux based live cd. This means you don't actually need any operative system installed at all to try it out. Just reboot your computer with the cd in the computers cd player and it'll boot up into it. In this mode you can't save anything unless you connect a USB storage or external harddrive or something, and it will run a bit slower than from your harddrive, but it should be enough for you to get a feel of if you like it or not. If you don't like it, just throw/give away the cd and try something else.

If you do like it, you can install it on your hard drive and you will be given the option when you start up the computer if you want to run Vista or 64 Studio. If you do this, it'll run faster and you can easily save stuff, etc.
I recommend you Cubase SX3, thats what I use to record our home-made demos and such, it works pretty well and has a bunch of nice and useful options and tools.