Looking for heavy metal guitar lessons for a beginner

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New Metal Member
Oct 18, 2006
Looking for someone to teach me how to play the electric guitar. I am a total beginner and looking to learn how to play a style between Ted Nugent and Dimebag Darrell.

I'm located in the O'Fallon, St.Peters, and St.Charles, MO areas.

I will pay for the lessons.

You can reply here or send me an email to gotgame36@yahoo.com.

Or if you can recommend someone who can teach me.

If you want to play 'heavy metal' or sound like someone you first have to learn how to play guitar. Everyone learns the sameway. There is no learning heavy metal or this or that. Get a rythmn guitar chord book and start there strumming chords. Learn basic scales hammer ons and pull offs,etc... just sit there for a few hours. It's not easy and takes years. Starting out and wanting to have a specific style or sound will prevent you from learning how to play. You have to first have a general concept of how the instrument is played in a general sense in order to eventually be influenced or play something you like.
Thanks for the advice but I realize I have to learn how to play first before I can find the style I want.

I meant it in away that the teacher likes that style of music, I didn't want some old dude that teaches the band at middle school.
Play scales. Alot. And power chord riffing. Those two are essential skills to start developing to be able to play metal. That said it will take ALOT of work. If you want to get good quickly practice at least 3-4 hours a day.

Also, don't fall into the trap of only practicing "easy" songs, like Beatles or Nirvana or whatever. Challenge yourself, or you won't improve nearly as fast.

Remember, it might be pretty boring to practice hours on end every day for a while, but when you finally are able to start playing music you love, it'll have all been worth it.
Hammer ons/pull offs are pretty important when playing metal and a really easy technique. If you become fluent with these and know some basic scales and power chords, have some cool guitar distortion you can start making your own riffs and songs sounding pretty decent.

You should still practice your intrument in a general way not trying to play any style or metal. I practice rythmn chords all the time regardless not using them in my metal music. In the end it makes me a better and more diverse musician. You can't always rely on just being fluent with tremolo picking and distortion. Regardless hoq boring learning rythmn chords are at first you have to do it. The more you try to set these aside the more pain in the ass they become. One day you might just want to play an acoustic guitar or something. If you listen to an album without any rythmn chords i'll bet you the guitarists still know them anyways. A lot of metal general does not require chords but that does not make them less important. It's just certain styles have certain techniques. You can use regular rythmn chords just baring the neck with your first finger so you can imply them to your metal. Picking is also really significant. If you can pick really well you can sound good with basic chords and open notes. Playing guitar takes time. Metal is not rocket science but you still can't be a musical idiot to write some of the music that bands make within the style. Practice atleast 4 hours a day. I'm sure someone would say 4 hours a day is not enough. I don't want to put to much pressure on you.
one other thing.

If you practice for 2 hours a day don't expect to be a good musician and don't bother playing at all. If you do not have an attention you are doomed.
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