Looks flat


Quoted for truth.

Is it really that hard to picture a 5th dimension? I mean, I can do it just fine. But my understanding of this has evolved with my discovery of the speed of light being constant and one speed throughout the entire universe, so allow me to describe the rational theory at hand, in very base syntax.

5 dimensional surface is not limited to having 5 dimensions per se. Take Sun and Earth. Sun emits time constantly from Sun to Earth. Distance from time source to time destination is actually called "time lag", and is radius measurement. Radius measurement of "time lag" obviously becomes 4th dimensional plane of existence. Earth is a 3 dimensional structure containing width height and depth, accepting time via 4 dimensional plane containing width height depth and length (Called it time lag and radius measurement above, to be clear). Obviously, by this logic the sun is a 5th dimensional surface as MANY 4th dimensional surfaces can be provided by it.

I tried this time.

I should say for clarity that the 4th dimension depth is the length of a photon, multiplied to achieve the length.

I say photon, but would it be the length of a light wave or the photon?
Your "perspective" is flawed. And you avoided my questions.

I won't deny you're more educated than me, but smarter? No. I'm going to make an assumption that you are a social outcast, because you don't know how to communicate with people without coming off as a conceited self serving person.

I'm sorry for ignoring you. You are more important than a room full of scientists. Here is where I can get my alignment straightened. I need an irregardless smack that says NO IN ANY CASE, according to destiny. Because I was inaccurate with my statements before.

Thank you ALL for that.

No. No, it doesn't.

Well fine, what do you prefer time to be, the radiations from the sun which defines a 5 dimensional existence or the radiations of a carbon atom that defines nothing but the measurement of one second?

Just because they started with the latter first and haven't worked their way up to the former yet doesn't mean they won't in the near future.

Don't you mean when you get old?

Think about what you just said for a second...You might remove the sarcasm...
No hard feelings, WhiteBeast, honestly :wave:

But since explaining this, I've been doing some re-reading of my older words, and I like what I read with newer and fresher knowledge. Observe:


Obviously, we understand that while both are real in a sense, one is not really much MORE real than the other. What I mean by that is that while we all exist as strings in time-space, we generally don't accept that, and we choose, by all definitions, to exist in the holographic world, which is the 3D world.

EDIT: As if our minds were in the same place...
I find it no co-incidence that I stopped writing that document in the exact place that I am fully prepared to continue writing it today.
I know your mind is with Seth. Max, if that is your real name, you possess what is called the eternal child in your mind. I say it is with Seth because that is the analogy I was taught. Like the child, it is still experimenting with the boundaries. But when time shows them to you, you will become Adam here again.

That will be the day you achieve perfection. I'm not arguing with someone who is completely within their own right to say such things, even if it is in the future that these things manifest perfectly.
It's like if you had HUGE piggy bank full of random words, big and small, and smashed it against a brick wall.