Loomis and Pod

mxlinus said:
it's not only the gear that make the sound, good hands are the most important piece of good gear that you can own.

I agree 100%, that's why in doing this tone reference, I was playing the riff exactly how it's supposed to be played. :)
I saw it too. on the "Dead heart in a dead world tour" w/In Flames.
He had a podxt into a Mesa 2:90. I ran the same setup because i thought he sounded awesome. I also thought he used it on the record too, until i got on this forum anyway.

Damn though, i just blew my tax return on a Mesa Single Rectifier, Rect-o-verb. It blows the POD out of the water, even when i had the POD into the 2:90 it doesn't compare.

Saw Loomis on Thursday in Seattle at the King Diamond/Nile/Behemoth/Black Dahlia Murder show.

Friend bought him a beer.