Lord Blakkheim - DM shirt request


May 16, 2004
Orlando, Florida USA
Hey Anders... I was wondering if I could ask your permission to use the Diabolical Masquerade logo and some lyrics from 'Ravendusk' to make a shirt...

It'll be the only one and for absolute personal use [i.e. me wearing it]

Only reason I'm asking is because I missed out on the Nightwork shirts and I don't think that anyone is inclined to let their shirt go. I also don't think that there's even the slightest chance of you pumping out another shirt for just one [major] fan.

So, here goes:

May I please use the Diabolical Masquerade logo and the lyrical passage:
When all Spirits are as many as Stars
Something not Known in Words will come to Happen...

O dear Blakkheim. My friend Charlie asked me to play him BMD. Can I pleeaaaasee give him a two minute listen in the bus tomorrow?? I promise it's only to him and no one else will get to listen to it in the bus even if they take my player I'll chase 'em down. Pleeeasseee.
yea... wouldn't want Anders to get pissed and have a lawyer show up at my door... to be sued by your musical hero is not something I want to have happen to me.
Well he wont notice it anyway. But yeah........i want to print a Bloodbath Shirt for myself with just the logo on it (since i cant buy them anymore, cause they are oop). Do i get your permission?

if u wanna make a DM shirt for yerself ofcorpze u have my blezzing to do so. hell, why not make one for me as well, i'll buy it off u!

i'm thinking also about re-pressing 25 shirts of the nightwork edition. is this a good or bad idea? i dont wanna mess with ltd things, but since there's no DM shirt out there now and nightwork seems to be the most popular i might make an exception.

give me yer thoughtz!
Because of the fact that I dont have one of these and I desire one I think you should do it Anders.......besides if I did have one there would be some way to tell them apart(the brand of shirt used etc.)....making the oriiginal even more rare in a way....
Well guys we have his permission, I will print a t-shirt too with the Bloodbath's logo so I'm happy now!!! (since no one in this fucking country sells that kind of t-shirts, bastards) Give me one Blakkheim!!!! lol lol lol
Thank you.

\m/ :kickass:

So install a special flip down diabolical Masquerade covershirt that you can deploy should you run into blakkheim in a chance occurance. Its not rocket science.
Hell yeah, Blakkheim, I'd buy one. Go ahead and reprint some of those shirts. \m/

And, not to get off-topic on a personal thing, but since we already are talking about DM: Anders, I was wondering -- did you get my PM requesting your signature/dedication (I'm pretty pathetic, I know, but I've never had a chance to ask one of my favorite artists for their personal signature) on that Ravendusk first pressing that I won from you the other day? Just curious, no big deal. Thanks!

:headbang: :headbang:
Blakkheim said:

if u wanna make a DM shirt for yerself ofcorpze u have my blezzing to do so. hell, why not make one for me as well, i'll buy it off u!

i'm thinking also about re-pressing 25 shirts of the nightwork edition. is this a good or bad idea? i dont wanna mess with ltd things, but since there's no DM shirt out there now and nightwork seems to be the most popular i might make an exception.

give me yer thoughtz!

The greatest idea ever.
Luz said:
Well guys we have his permission, I will print a t-shirt too with the Bloodbath's logo so I'm happy now!!! (since no one in this fucking country sells that kind of t-shirts, bastards) Give me one Blakkheim!!!! lol lol lol
Thank you.

\m/ :kickass:


Well, that's different, because Bloodbath shirts are available. I would totally buy a DM shirt, something simple with a logo only maybe?

I'm been considering making my own Amorphis shirts, too. :D