Lord Of The Rings: Lord of the Oscars!


God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
They ALMOST swept up all their nominations. Here is what they won for best:

1) Visual Effects
2) Sound
3) Original Song
4) Make-up
5) Costume Design
6) Art Direction
7) Editing
8) Adapted Screenplay
9) Directing
10) and the big one: Best Motion Picture!

Although I am still very disappointed that out of all three movies, there has only been one acting nomination.
Well it's about damn time they snagged that award. Too bad Sean Astin wasn't even nominated for supporting actor. I'm also kinda choked that The Last Samurai wasn't considered for best picture, while Seabiscuit and Master of Commander were. Boo! Not like the oscars really matter, but its good that LotR finnally grabbed one for best picture.
Edgecrusher said:
They ALMOST swept up all their nominations.

BBC said:
The Lord of The Rings: The Return of the King scoops 11 prizes out of 11 at the Oscars in Hollywood.

You missed Musical Score oscar, only Titanic and Ben Hur have taken 11 oscars before RotK. It's good to see the trilogy finally getting some of the respect it deserves, as they should've taken the best picture now for third time.
Voice of God said:
You missed Musical Score oscar, only Titanic and Ben Hur have taken 11 oscars before RotK. It's good to see the trilogy finally getting some of the respect it deserves, as they should've taken the best picture now for third time.
Oops, IMDB.com HAD reported it wrong, as they said that Master and Commander had taken that award. (or I need MY eyes checked)

P.S. Master and Commander wasn't even nominated in this category.
The Academy Awards were immensely entertaining this year, although bitterly disappointing in a few departments. Initially, American Splendor, which in my mind was unquestionably the finest film of the year, was only nominated for a single Oscar, and lost it it to ROTK. I apologize to whomever it may offend, but under no reasonable logic did ROTK stem from a more impressive screenplay than American Splendor. Anyone who could find the nerve to object to this may need to re-evaluate his personal bias. The second upset was the atrocious fact that Sean Penn defeated Bill Murray in the Best Actor category. I actually professed that Sean Penn was the weakest link in Mystic River, conceding the fact that he displayed the absolute most pathetic attempt at weeping in the recent history of cinema. Conversely, Bill Murray has 40+ years of potential behind him, and his brilliantly reticent performance in Lost in Translation was what drove that particular movie.
I do, however, agree that Sean Astin direly deserved a nomination for Best Supporting Actor, as his spellbinding performance went shamefully unnoticed.

Other than that, I enjoyed the Oscars quite thoroughly this year, and it was wonderful to see the gloriously ambitious project that is Lord of the Rings at last be rewarded.
DiscipleOfPlato said:
but under no reasonable logic did ROTK stem from a more impressive screenplay than American Splendor.
As much I love the LOTR movies, I agree with you 100%. American Splendor is one of the most breathtaking movies I've seen in recent years.With that in mind, Jude Law getting a best actor nomination over Paul Giamatti is not only absurd, but as far as I'm concerned, should be tried as a war crime.