Lord of the Rings Online

Rider of Theli

The Hellequin
Mar 1, 2004
Hiram, Ga
Has anyone been playing Lord of the Rings Online this past year?

I started with the beta game about one month before it went online a year ago. I played on and off for a couple of months before taking a long sabbatical due to time constraints. A few weeks ago my interest was piqued again and I am playing - rarely still - on the Windfola server. I just recently gained access to the Monster Play server but have yet to start a character there. Looks quite interesting though. I also have some low-level characters on Gladden and Landroval. So if anyone is playing, hit me up. Maybe we can Fellowship some time. :grin:
I'm playing Age of Conan. More brutal. Enjoying it a lot. I'm on the Cimmeria server.
I'm playing Age of Conan. More brutal. Enjoying it a lot. I'm on the Cimmeria server.

hey! get yer own thread! This one's mine! :heh:

we hateses the WoW! we hateses the Conan!


yessss, my precioussss....
I'm done with mmo's until Warhammer, after quiting WoW I am catching up on all the Anime I've neglected to watch due to raiding. I am curious to see how the online component of D&D 4th edition works out.
I dabble in Guild Wars a lot.

Can't beat the no monthly fee...means I don't fret if real life keeps me from logging on for a week here or there. I don't have that "I'm paying for something I'm not even using" feeling.