Lord Of The Rings

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
Anyone pick up the extended version of The Fellowship Of The Ring..........I know I did, I got the Deluxe Gift Set(5DVD's), with Bookends, & comes with a free ticket to see The Two Towers that comes out later in December...............I know it's not metal news, but it's a heavy story.......................Good Vs. Evil
No, but I got the regular dvd when it first came out. I used to like going to the movies, but lately, all you hear is cell phones, people smacking their food with their mouths open, endless talking and kids screaming. I figured that it's much cheaper just to wait till it comes out on dvd. Plus, my home theatre kicks ass and I can watch it over and over if I want. Which is what I did the other day. Man, those war animals are fantastic. I like the army that was made too! Brutal visiuals.
Did anyone catch south park last night? Classic. quite possibly the best episode ever. Perfect mix of porn and lord of the rings and a bonus harry potter bag. :rock: