Lord Tim...


Old fart on this board
Apr 15, 2001
Fin fuggen land
I'm sorry if I'm asking the obvious, but is Dungeon's new album going to be released anywhere outside the Australia?

I've heard some of your stuff and I have to admit that I like what I've heard. Just wondering if I have to order your new album from all the way from other side of the world, or can I get it a BIT closer! ;)

And yes, I'm a bit drunk so don't care if I made some spelling errors or something. ;) :D
I am Lord Tim and I can tell you that Tin Man's right! HAHAHA!

Echorider is great and they'll look after you if you want to get it from there, you can also grab it on CD NOW too. Aparrently you can also get our total shit Demolition album there too, but I'm not sure if it's just listed on back order or is available or whatever... I have it already, I don't want to pay $50+ to buy it! :)

The new one should be out all over the place with any luck!
Will the REAL Lord Tim please stand up...HA!HA!HA!

woops,just realised that i used Tim's trademark HA!HA!HA!

damn...did it again

think i wil shut up now
Ah, but in Ralphe's defence, he used an exclamtion point (!) between each "HA", which changes the entire context of the usage of "HA".

Lord Tim's "HAHAHA" (used here for demonstration purposes only, without the owners permission) conveys a feeling of a fluid, lunatic chortle, whereas Ralphe's "HA!HA!HA!" (used here for demonstration purposes only, without the owners permission) conveys more of a stilted, homourous feel.

For Lord Tim to issue this warning against Ralphe is like Maiden issuing a warning to Dungeon to stop using the chord "E", because they used it in a song first.

Phloggy - the righter of wrongs, and defender of the truth! HAHAHA, erm HA!HA!H... no wait...umm HEEHEEHEE.

Dammit, all the good laughs are gone :(
What about the patented, trademarked spawny jabba the hut laugh? MWA HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW ha.

You know, i honestly wonder how long it will be before a court case actually comes out of something like this. I can see it now, it would be in america of course. Its only a matter of time.
Sadly, I think you're right!

Today on Judge Judy - an Australian rock musician is filing a claim against a metal fan where it seems that his patented laughter was used without his permission...

LT: But he said "HAHAHA", your honour!

JJ: No, sir, he said "LOL"! That was more of a giggle than a chuckle! Pay attention!

LT: But...!

JJ: No buts! Balif - send this fool to the electric chair!

LT: Nooooooooo!!

George W. Bush: Oh, goody...! :)
Originally posted by phlogiston
For Lord Tim to issue this warning against Ralphe is like Maiden issuing a warning to Dungeon to stop using the chord "E", because they used it in a song first.

I'm waiting for a call from Steve Harris telling me to stop their E min - C maj - D maj chord progression, actually! HAHAHA!
Timmy, just before you get electrocuted you have to do a maniacal last HAHAHA! to show the world they didnt break your spirit and to bring infamy to the phrase HAHAHA! through the ages.
It would be very poetic I think. :)
I'm a bit late in contributing to this thread, but what about the ol' fathful "muhahahaHAHAHAHA!!" ?

Start off quietly and discreetly, and then gradually build in intensity until you sound like an utter loon. As a point of reference, consider the many and varied occasions that Sideshow Bob has broken out of prison. He laughs like that every time!

It took me a while to perfect this one (rather like my Kryten voice), but I think I've got it down. It scares my dog too, so I know it works :).