Lost is awesome.

I watched all of Seasons 1 and 2. I liked them but Season 2 had a lot of episodes where nothing happened and it got a bit boring. Then I discovered season 3 was on Sky and I wouldn't be able to watch it so I gave up on it. But I would probably like to watch it sometime.
that hasn't been explained yet, i'm guessing it's to do with the islanders moving in time, or is it the island moving in time around them? don't know yet, but faraday was posing as a dharma worker for some reason, maybe to get close to the wheel they had just found....

it's getting more and more interesting though, i want to know why ben has just 70 hours to get the oceanic six back to the island.

"How old is Richard?"


Damn you Juliet!
... Power of the island? :lol:

Wonder if that ginger lass is going to kick the bucket or not. Next episode should be up for download tomorrow. :D
watching it shortly....

Ben linus is the craftiest bugger around, i hope he gets back to his old surprising ways soon... he hasn't done anything mental like pull a shotgun from a piano stool in quite a while.
Just watched the latest one... Ooooooo, dunno if you've watched it yet but DAMN. I went the next episode badly now. :(
Well he certainly is still mental, just wait and see what he does in 5x04, I still dont know if hes a bastard or he really is trying to help them.....
The end of this one is like WTF? I love when they end like that.
She better not do it!

I think the lawyer has a bigger connection with what's going on, he's Ben's lawyer but was also with Claire's mum. Coincidence?
probably yeah, if bens involved then surely there will be something more to it than what we're told. i still want to know how he has power over the smoke monster, and if the heavy price he paid was his daughters life. but if it wasn't then what was it?

if sun kills ben the show will lose its best character....

and jins bloody alive! most awesome, and hes back with young danielle??? mental..... it makes me want to watch the old ones again to see if theres anything weird with jin and danielle, although there probably won't be because jin will probably soon jump through time like the other survivors.
I always thought that the price he paid for moving the island was that he couldnt come back, or just the fact that he is teletransported to somewhere, without knowing where the island is, so he cant get back.

I dont think Sun will kill Ben, I guess Ben will tell her Jins alive or something.

Do you remember when Danielle said that all her peope died coz of some mysterious disease? that they went crazy? I really want to know what the fuck that was and why desmond kept shooting up down in the hatch. Maybe we´ll find out?
Do you remember when Danielle said that all her peope died coz of some mysterious disease? that they went crazy? I really want to know what the fuck that was and why desmond kept shooting up down in the hatch. Maybe we´ll find out?

If I remember rightly, didn't she kill them because they were (allegedly) crazy?
yep sorry my fault, i had it in my head that ben summoning the smoke monster had something to do with having a heavy price to pay, my fault, im talking arse.

im wondering if danielle killing her team for going crazy, could be what ends up happening to the survivors, charlotte is already bleeding and passing out and seemed to not recognize daniel when she woke up. remember that daniel was having his memory tested by charlotte a few times when they came to the island..... and we've already seen that daniel was with dharma i nthe 70's when they found the frozen wheel..... and daniel said something to miles about was he sure he hadnt been on the island before??

something funny is going on...
It's all going to kick off soon, the whole "Jack, we're running out of time" thing.

What makes Desmond special? (apart from being awesome BROTHA)




Just watched the new one. Thoughts?

Some interesting stuff happened but we need some ANSWERS.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Coz the monster turns into people. Just remember when Ecko dies, his brother was there as the smoke monster.

Or maybe whatever is down there, brainwashed them. Im guessing that building was the temple, and it probably holds some secrets, maybe they found something out in there and thats why they wanted to kill rousseau.

Eloise Hawking is faradays mum? WTF?
We've seen where the smoke monster lives now, someone needs to go down there and kick ass!

I thought the scene in the van when Ben flips out was awesome, never seen him lose it before. Sayid hates Jack now, will be interesting to see how he gets on and what about Hurley? Ben's lawyer said he can get him out but what's next for him?
haha be patient for answers, stop wanting answers and just bloody enjoy it. this weeks episode was bloody great, and it's the island who makes the people appear, they aren't the smoke monster. that's the island doing that. didn' t expect charlotte to......... do that, i'm liking faraday as a character more and more, as soon as charlotte said that HE was the person who told her to not come back to the island i just thought FUCKING YES, thats why i like this programme, it's when you get unexpectedly mindfucked by it.....

anyone else spot that the van ben is driving says canton rainier down the side? anagram of reincarnation.

seriously can't wait to see how they work this show out, just imagine how much it's going to mess with us before it's all over, there's no way this programme will let us down. im going to delight in getting the complete blu ray boxset after its all finished and watching it all again.