Hey Kioch

It's been widely noted that the Labor party doesn't have any economic policies of its own and is just copying the Liberals policies. Sounds to me like we'll have to choose who to vote for on issues other than economic management!
Tell ya what Dan, why don't you respond to Josh's post, and all the other posts that question the Liberal leadership, and try to do so without simply regurgitating current conservative dogma or questioning Labor's economic policy. Because it's pretty obvious (and even Howard has admitted this) that the electorate simply doesn't give a rat's arse about the economy. They care about job security and working conditions and environmental issues. Labor hasn't been too forward with details on their economic policies, that's true, but the policies they have revealed, like the one in Josh's thread about the plan for farmers, seem to concern themselves far more with public concerns about sustainability than Howard's slash-and-burn ideas. Point out where the Liberals' policies are stronger than Labor's in the areas of public concern ie, housing affordability, strategies for climate change, environmental sustainability and Workplace reform. Stop rabbiting on about the economy. No one cares about that.
problem is that "conservatives" don't want to conserve. They are "consumptatives".

There are finite amounts of gold, silver, copper, iron, oil, coal and in the case that you mention water.

Consumptatives push perpetual growth in spite of finite resources. Only so that they can prop up their fake debt based money "supply".

Conservatism in resource useage only comes when it becomes "economically viable" (i.e. we've used so much of it that we need to start using something else up).

Consumptatives suck.

and Mr Eyebrows (he seems to have had cosmetic surgery on them) is as Consumptative as they come.
It's been widely noted that the Labor party doesn't have any economic policies of its own and is just copying the Liberals policies. Sounds to me like we'll have to choose who to vote for on issues other than economic management!

I agree, but you must concede that capable economic managment is at the forefront for any government in a capitalist system, and for a party to be largly void of any is deplorable.
I wasn't going to actually reply, I was mockign Dan for always saying he doesn't have time, then never replying, and finishing his post with a :kickass:

You are very clever for pinking up on this fact, very smart boy you are, almost smart enough to be a Labor polly :lol:
Being a capitalist pig isn't the be all and end all of everything, I like most others would rather sway more in a socialist direction, power to the people and all that, Big business running countries and Governments is a pretty scary thought, and I would rather have a face and a voice that be a blind rat in a capitalist system that cares for nothing but money.

Yes money is good, and it is great to have nice stuff and be able to have a beer, but at the end of it, I can't take it with me, and I would rather know my kids are safe and healthy than fucking rich, greed is never good, never has been never will fucking be
Being a capitalist pig isn't the be all and end all of everything, I like most others would rather sway more in a socialist direction, power to the people and all that, Big business running countries and Governments is a pretty scary thought, and I would rather have a face and a voice that be a blind rat in a capitalist system that cares for nothing but money.

Yes money is good, and it is great to have nice stuff and be able to have a beer, but at the end of it, I can't take it with me, and I would rather know my kids are safe and healthy than fucking rich, greed is never good, never has been never will fucking be

fucken aye Southy , becoming a Father in the last few months was/is the most important thing , people can call me a pinko all they want , I'll call em a rightwingedconservativenazicorporatecocksucker back because at the end of the day I see myself as an equalist , not a commo , if I pay taxes I would like to see MY money spent on things that benefit the general community not my hip pocket and have the benefits stay in the country.
Where the libs have got it wrong ( along with countless other things) is that they are bloating about having a HUGE surplus , yet they have not spent money over the years on the actual things the communities need, you can have all the money you want if you dont spend it on anything.
The gov is going to shit and they are hanging by a thread , wont be long now until Howard concedes he's going to ruin :kickass:
you can have all the money you want if you dont spend it on anything.

Right on, guy.

The Roads Minister here in NSW nailed Howard's $1b Pacific Hwy promise yesterday when he pointed out that since Howard's been in, NSW has spent $1.66b fixing the highway and he's spent $66m. On the National Highway. That's $6m a year since he's been in. Now he suddenly wants to give us $1b to fix it, two months out from an election.
Yeah but that's ok because we can just dig it up and export it to India without any kind of guarantee of it being used properly.

Dan, serious question. Why are you agreeing with and defending the government so much? It is ok to disagree with the government, we do live in a democracy. I'm sure if Labour gets in they'll do things I disagree with. Hell, the State Labour party in Tassie right now is completely fucked. Stop being a sucker and thinking a government can do no wrong. Healthy skepticism keeps democracy going, not OMG UR OTHER PRTY IS TEH FUCKED GO JOHNNY LUV U, which a lot people seem to be doing.
Dan can't outline his arguments. He's shown this before. He just falls back on the old "Howard is great for the economy" slogan and then calls everyone pinkos. As soon as he's given examples, shown figures or asked questions, he changes the subject or just starts throwing around insults, or both.
Mate, if the gov spent their surplus, as labor will do, do you have any grasp of the massive negative effects that will have on the economy? Being a pinko I would say that you would not have the slightest clue; the scary thing is that there are utopian retards like you who think that the Gov are pigs because they have a massive surplus; when the economy is growing strong Taxation is always greater than speanding, when the economy is in times of hardship then you spend, that is Adam Smith 1890 you fucken morons. Maybe learn something for a change, hey?