Lost is awesome.

I know that the West Wing is idealistic but as you say the characters are so well written that you just engage with them, with lost on the other hand seemed to be prolonged for no reason and the story lines went off tangent and the writers didn't seem, to me, capable of reeling in the loose strings , I have always enjoyed watching programmes that make you think rather than having the answers spelt out on plate for you.

I have made mention of another great programme in another topic called "Rome". Despite it being only 2 seasons mainly due to the ammount of money cost to make for each episode, I felt engaged with the characters and my personal favoutrite character was Pullio, the actor who played him was simply put, superb, I felt such an empathy with Pullio despite him being a brutal violent man, Lost sadly didn't do that for me, no doubt if I stuck with it I might be more involved in the excitment of the next series
ah but thats thing about lost, they don't bring up a plot thread and solve it in 40 minutes, they bring up mystery after mystery and weave them together and it could be 3 episodes before an answer is even hinted at or it could be 3 seasons! its not an easy watch and i can understand why people can't watch it, but i love mythologies in tv shows and lost so far has been one of the best. if people like shows that deal with everything within the confines of that particular episode then lost would drive them bonkers.

west wings character writing is that good though that it does make losts characters seem like cartoons. both entertaining in different ways.
I'll take shows for what they are. West Wing isn't an exact portayal of how the White House is run, it's too idealistic to be realistic, but it's so well written with incredible characters i have to love it, i watch that as a drama. I watch Lost as a ridiculous Sci-fi drama series and don't take it as seriously, realism hardly matters with lost, but i still love it as much as i love the West Wing because it doesn't offer easy answers, it's a challenge to get through, it makes the cogs go around trying to piece things together until you get the answer, and when you do it's turned on it's head and you realise you were nowhere near. Lost is great, it isn't easy entertainment.

They actually interviewed a bunch of former White House staffers before they even wrote the show I thought?
oh yeah they even have dee dee myers (clintons press secretary) as a consultant for the show, but they take liberties here and there to make the show as interesting as possible, so its not made as an exact lesson of how the white house works, its close though, as i understand.

lost is awesome.
ah but thats thing about lost, they don't bring up a plot thread and solve it in 40 minutes, they bring up mystery after mystery and weave them together and it could be 3 episodes before an answer is even hinted at or it could be 3 seasons! its not an easy watch and i can understand why people can't watch it, but i love mythologies in tv shows and lost so far has been one of the best. if people like shows that deal with everything within the confines of that particular episode then lost would drive them bonkers.

Just like Twin Peaks :goggly::goggly::goggly:

What I will do however and say is that I will give the writers of Lost a compilment in a way, that they do make and force their viewers use their little grey brain cells instead of as you have put it "bring up a plot and solve in 40 minutes"

What I find and love is Asian horror is roughly similar to making people use their own brains to work out the plot instead of using the cliche of blood splattered gore, Ringu is a prime example of Japanese/Asian horror which forces the viewer to imagine the terror those poeple died and then when it came to that famous scene of the Girl crawling out of the Tv, that was truely terrifying as you didn't quite expect to see it and when it happened you were just left amazed.

I kinda hate it when the American film directors get their hands on great foreign films and remake them and also dumb them down to a level so the American audience can follow what is going on
Whatever. Season 1 and 2 are easy to swallow, you wouldnt even dream of what comes next, so be glad you got out when you did.
re-watching lost from the beginning on blu ray, great fun. just got to the point where locke and boone discover the hatch, well they don't know it's the hatch yet... but they will......... oh yes they will.

kate's hot.
Juliet is wayyyy hotter and you know it! Kate's just annoying. If you had her in the sack she would probably take off mid-fuck because she changed her mind. Like she always does, make your mind up woman!
I have a feeling the finale is going to be rather good, at least a lot better than this 6th series has been, it's been pretty up and down, the "dr linus" episode was amazing, as was the "happily ever after" and "what they died for" episodes, but other than that...... meh. it could have been handled a lot better, it kinda feels slightly disconnected from the past 5 years of what we've seen, it's the same characters of course, but something just just doesn't...... work. anyway, can't bloody wait to see how they're going to wrap it up, if anyone knows anything before sunday night, spoil it and you DIE.

Just think how far we've come, what we've seen, all the things that have happened to these characters, it's been a worthy ride.
I'm not a Lost viewer, I did begin to watch it at first but then I lost my way with it all (no pun intended). I really hope it's a fantastic finale though, Lost viewers deserve it!
This thread title should be changed to "lost WAS awesome until series 6 began, then it sadly choked on it's own terrible writing"

It's been such a great show, but the finale and all of series 6 is such a let down, yes it's emotionally engaging but it's done in such a cheap way. This last series has completely discarded what made the show so watchable in the first place. so disappointed, i could actually write for the next few hours and give all my reasoning and views on it, but i can't be arsed giving any more time to lost, i had actually started watching it from the beginning again on blu ray but now i'm not going to bother seeing as how NOT MUCH OF IT FUCKING MATTERS ANYWAY.