Lost my fighting spirit

Well, my parents and other sister did not tell me much, I only know of one, but only because I had it all of a sudden on my mind that my sister would try and I was right. The doc rates it high and said she is not allowed to be on her own...
I'd like to talk with her, but she does not want to talk about anything... it makes me very sad, cause I can feel her pain...
All I can do right now is to keep my mind concentrate on her, in case she tries again... but that's not easy, because I have a lot of work to do, etc...
Hmmm, I can't say I'd blame for wanting to live on another planet, actually... but then, I hope you get through to her somehow, Morg. I know what it's like when you don't have someone to turn to... maybe that's how it became that bad after all? I can't tell, but it can only help!

Hope she gets rid of her death wish tho...or rather of what cause it...
Oh and to add my little lamentation to this thread:

I feel empty, dull, miserable, sad, deressed (a little only, still have something to look forward to!!), missing something quintessencial, desolate...

Yes, I'm back home... wish I weren't, wish I could have stayed where I was... :( Sometimes you just feel like you could toss your life, cramp it up and throw it in a dustbin, and start it again how if fits best with your wishes. I miss Fjelltussa so much.... hope she's alright now?! *sigh*

And I forgot some feeling I have too, right now, tho this just occured to happen to have crossed the path of my conscience - I feel tired, after 22 hours of driving and shipping... gotta drop dead on my bed now (speaking in figures)

But then, all this whining I just did is nonesense, cause I know it will be much better soon, in not too long time, when I'm back together with you, Fjelltussa ;)
Awwwww.... Welcome home Ziu! Though you're not
glad to be home, I'm glad you are cause I've missed
you here!!! Though it would be better to have you
up in Norway, with a computer! hehe... :o)

Tell us more about your trip when you feel like it,
and prefferably NOT in a sad thread like this one >:oP
Oh, and I'm dying to hear about the Borkis concert!!!
*Starts jumping* :o)

And Morgie: I'm sorry about your sister :o/ I hope
you will be able to help her :o)
Welcome back Ziu, hope you make it as soon as possible to live where you love to live...

Thank you all for your words.

About my sis, hopefully she is be able to talk about all soon, cause it really make me sad to know that if she really would like to kill herself, I can't do anything about it...
All I can do is talking with her, so we can find a path for her...
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
Oh and to add my little lamentation to this thread:

I feel empty, dull, miserable, sad, deressed (a little only, still have something to look forward to!!), missing something quintessencial, desolate...

Yes, I'm back home... wish I weren't, wish I could have stayed where I was... :( Sometimes you just feel like you could toss your life, cramp it up and throw it in a dustbin, and start it again how if fits best with your wishes. I miss Fjelltussa so much.... hope she's alright now?! *sigh*

And I forgot some feeling I have too, right now, tho this just occured to happen to have crossed the path of my conscience - I feel tired, after 22 hours of driving and shipping... gotta drop dead on my bed now (speaking in figures)

But then, all this whining I just did is nonesense, cause I know it will be much better soon, in not too long time, when I'm back together with you, Fjelltussa ;)

The "coming back home" after something beautiful is always sad...but all this that you're writing is so nice...i hope the best for you both! :)
Originally posted by Morgana
:waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah: :waah:

The one and only decent CD shop in town is
closing, they had the best metal selection ever!
I will miss them a lot... where do I go now... :cry:

This is very sad news! :o(((( I dunno what I'd do
without Sound of Noise, but I guess you'll find
another way. I mean, I lived without SON before
I moved to Oslo >:o) You can order more online :o)
If it's any comfort - We never had any decent metal ore around here, the next decent one is 2 hours by car away. Anyway, there are always mailorders. Can't say I'm too sad without a metal shop around :) Just a matter of "getting used to".
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Btw, one thing... Several of you mentioned scars, carving and cutting... Just wondered what your experiences with these things are. Does it help? Why do you do it? How? ..... 'Cause it has helped me a lot. I does help me... At least for a while, because it makes me think of smth else. -Or nothing special. Then the depression eases - and I start to feel the cuts......

But I don't make these very large cuts. Like, my cousin told me about this girl she knows (because we met the father of her now dead child at Inferno)... She made a upside-down cross over her whole front body. I'd never do smth like that. -Well, never a upside-down cross cross in any size, but never that big, I mean.

It'd just be interesting to know what you others think about this subject.

A little very late reply to this... I'm not quite sure how I feel about
self injury (SI). Never did it myself, but I can understand it as a way
of coping with things. It's not very constructive in the long run
though. Eventually you may severly hurt yourself even if not planning
to, and the scars will always be there. I'm not bothered by scars,
but others do react negatively too it. My bf does SI, and people do
look at him in strange ways whenever he's wearing a t-shirt. But
then again he has taking it to extremes (If you've ever seen the
cover of Abyssic Hate - Suicidal Emotions, that's him). I could post
other pics too, but I'm not sure if I should.
SI is, if not common, so at least something quite a few people do
to deal with e.g depression. I wouldn't do it myself, but I can understand
why others chose this way.
Quite another thing to keep in mind is that it may cause a lot of
stress to those fond of you when you SI. I've been spending more
than enough night wondering whether he is alive and ok or not
to know being in the "other part" can be though. I will always worry
even if he tells me there's no reason to, or he don't want me to.
This turned out rather ramblish, but it's a long story, and I don't want
to bother you all with the whole thing.

The BUS Forum is a
good place to start if you want more information or generally just
get in touch with others doing the same.
I'm amazed this topic is still hanging on... a good thing too, as I'm technically back to where I was when I started it.. Oh well, I'm coping with it. Vengeance against, well, everyone and everything is a nice motivator for hanging in there...
But as for the SI you're mentioning, it works. And it works well. And hey... it's better to injure than to kill, right?
Not really.

If you injure yourself, you're slowly causing yourself enough pain to kill yourself. Doesn't make much sense, I know, but you shouldn't do either. You should accept things the way they are and let bigger and better things come to you. I'm sure they will.
Originally posted by Vanir
I'm amazed this topic is still hanging on... a good thing too, as I'm technically back to where I was when I started it.. Oh well, I'm coping with it. Vengeance against, well, everyone and everything is a nice motivator for hanging in there...
But as for the SI you're mentioning, it works. And it works well. And hey... it's better to injure than to kill, right?

It's better to cut now and then to release the pressure than keeping
it all inside, and eventually run of to commit suicide. But SI is by no means
a constructive sollution, and doesn't solve anything in the long run.
I'm not in a position where I should preach morals or anything, but
finding someone to talk to, and try to work out another way of coping
with thing might be a good idea.
I think you have to see things in a much vaster perspective, of course depression and melancholy is very hard to cope with. But when you focus 100% on yourself trying to solve the problem, I think you get the opposite effect. Everyone have some form of demons to deal with, either it's psychological, physical or mental everybody has them. So you have to find your place in the universe, your realm to dwell in, in this extremly complex maze called life.

It's very easy to lose track and start to shape you own existence out from humanity, I mean we're all cells in the body of cosmos, together we're building our existence, you alone are a unique and important part of this machinery, everybody has a purpose, a space to fill, you just have to fine you're place, and a way to balance things up when darkness is upon you.

I don't see how to physically harming yourself solves the problem, I feel it's a continuance of the pale downward spiral you're in. It's easy to say, but destruction spwns destruction, just the ordinary chain reaction you're all aware of.

Stay healthy, stay alive!! Peace!!

mr V
I stayed away from this subject so far because I've no experience with self injuring and I have to say that I don't understand it. It's a good start though if someone realizes that self injury does not help in the long run (I doubt it helps for the moment but that's another story)
But since mr V widened the aspect, here are some of my random thoughts (the essence is the same though):

I can somewhat relate to someone who cannot talk about emotions and stuff like that. That's basically me. I have yet to dare to completely open myself to someone, but it will probably never happen. As a result, you have to find another way to deal with which bothers you. Something that helped in the past does not necessarily have to work today. I know that from my own experience. For example, when I was a teenager and my early 20s I was writing poems but I cannot do it anymore. One does have to try different things to make oneself feel better. The same way you develop and change as a person you also have to find new ways to go on. It does sound easy but I know it's not, especially when you tend to be negative about everything. I also have yet to find "my place in the universe" but somehow the quest for it makes life interesting ...though I often fail to see the point of us being here.
Just think of the wonderful things happening to you. It's often small things that make daily life endurable enough to go on (just look in the "nicest tings"-thread). Why do so many ppl think of suicide without ever doing it? Because there are things/persons they like in life they don't want to loose. And there are things waiting around the next corner one's not aware of yet.

Just my two cents, trying to be extremely positive today.