Lots of questions for the band

ich bin besser

Guy with no opinion
Aug 10, 2002
Just a few things that came to my mind while watching the DVD again. So here are some questions for the band members:

- What music do you listen to? And do you find the time to listen to new CDs?
- How is life on tour? I mean things like showering, sleeping, washing clothes, daily routine and stuff like that.
- How is the contact with the support acts on tour? Do you have time to talk to them?
- How often do you meet other band members when you are not rehearsing, touring or recording?
- Who had an influence on whether taking photographs or recording bootlegs are allowed on concerts? The band, the venue, the tour manager?
- Why the hell do you need all these guitar/bass pedals? What do they do?
To be continued... ;)
Hey Dave where you been man.

Good to see you checking in.

Hey we have been working on some really great pieces and cool ideas over the last 6 months off and on. We needed some time to prep for the tour of course being that it wa such a long set. So we have spent the majority of time getting ready for that in Feb and March.

Now it is back to work on the new one, and we want to take our time this time. The preferred time frame would be that we have it out by Nov or Dec hopefully.

In the interim we are working on trying to fit on some US shows as well.

OK now for Jurgens questions.........................

DiscoDave said:
You missed the most obvious/important question.

What are the current plans for the next album?
I've been lurking. Glad to hear there's another album in the pipeline...what I wouldn't give to sit in on some of those jam sessions. ;)
I'm hoping for an epic on this new one or something like that!

A real different, change of pace for Enchant. This would be the PERFECT time to do an album that is NOTHING like the previous couple!
Well I guess I will take a shot at some of these questions.

- What music do you listen to? And do you find the time to listen to new CDs?

Personally, I have been listening to lots of XTC and Neil Finn recently. On tour, I brought just a few CDs to listen to while relaxing on the bus between cities. The CD that I listened to exclusively on the tour was Marbles CD 1. I think Marbles is a masterpiece, I absolutely love it. I just recently purchased Deadwing and I think it ROCKS!! I think Steve WIlson is great, but I do prefer him with Porcupine Tree. I have tried the Blackfield CD and some No Man, but I think Porcupine Tree is more to my taste.

- How is life on tour? I mean things like showering, sleeping, washing clothes, daily routine and stuff like that.

Touring is great. We sleep on the bus in bunks, shower at the venues or at a hotel if we happen to be staying in one. Our daily routine really depends on what time we get to the venue. Usually we arrive in the morning or around noon, and have some food which is set up by the venue. We find out what time we are soundchecking and when we need to be back at the venue and then we might take a look around the town. Come back , sound check, have dinner, and ROCK!!

- How is the contact with the support acts on tour? Do you have time to talk to them?

Well until the last tour, we were the support act, but whenever there is another band on the bill, we have most always had a chance to meet them and see as much of there set as possible. This was the case on the last tour with Alias Eye and Feed Forward. Both bands were really great, good people, and great musicians. I was able to see most of each of those bands play, which was a treat. When on tour with Spocks Beard and CGT, we were together for a couple of weeks, so we were hanging out quite a bit, which was very fun!!

- How often do you meet other band members when you are not rehearsing, touring or recording?

We get together quite a bit. Just went to a baseball game with Doug and Ed last week, and saw Bill and Ed at the Spocks show in San Francisco in early April.

- Who had an influence on whether taking photographs or recording bootlegs are allowed on concerts? The band, the venue, the tour manager?

Actually, I don't think we have ever known about a video or audio recording that was going on without our knowledge, although it probably has happened. Usually, photography is fine. Where there is a problem is when people sell stuff not sanctioned by the band. We don't want something substandard circulating out there, and someone else profitting from it, ripping off fans that deserve a good product.

- Why the hell do you need all these guitar/bass pedals?

Good question!!!! I am still trying to figure that out.

- What do they do?

Actually they trigger the drum fills!!! Just kidding.. All the different sounds (delays, reverb, echo, overdrive, etc..) are controlled from those pedals.

Thats it for now!! Thanks for the questions and interest!!!

:tickled: OK here is my shot, Although Sean answered most of these already.

Sorry I took so long Jurg

Again always thanks for asking questions. And these are good ones.

Lots of questions for the band

Just a few things that came to my mind while watching the DVD again. So here are some questions for the band members:

- What music do you listen to? And do you find the time to listen to new CDs?

I have to say I have been into Heavier Darker stuff lately. And quiet a bit of the usual influences that are always a must.

So currently, in my player, Porcupine Trees Deadwing ( just got it and love it! ) moody and dark but so well done! Kaki King Legs to make is Longer, she is scary good! , Riverside as well , these guys are really good! Conception, Flow which I am also way into! Kamelot, Black Halo is really great too, I am into it! Great production and vocals! I am becoming a big Khan fan, he is great! Green Carnation, the quiet offspring, the At war with self CD is great! And one incredible piece of music Threads from Redemption, Totally kick ass! I heard that from the lasers edge / sensory records site, the disc is not out till June but if the rest of it sounds like this piece it is going to be incredible.

A bit lighter and from our label I and way into Kino, it is a great disc! Awesome production and songs! So good I pulled out my Urbane discs again, John Mitchell is an awesome talent! Octane of course from Spocks is cool, the New Labrie disc rocks as well ad Russell Allens Atomic Soul. Inside Out stuff is happening right now. I even still throw Live at Last in once in a while. Also Whitewater from CG3, I have about worn my CG3 discs out though :)

- How is life on tour? I mean things like showering, sleeping, washing clothes, daily routine and stuff like that.

Sean answered this one pretty well I think, I would add crazy and hilarious at times to that. Life on the bus is a blast, lots of terrible humor and constant jokes and pranks, we watch movies and drink lots of ………..soda :) and try and sleep on the bumpy roads. We have hotels in the bigger cities upon arrivals and departures. We were on the bus from Amsterdam to Oberhausen this time, it was short, so no worries on the laundry, although the last time out we hit a couple of Laundromats. The showers can be interesting and a bit,,,,,dodgy Especially in the Bergkeller this time :) Grandmas Tub I think it was? The daily routine is pretty much wake up somewhere different every morning and then check out the venue and find some breakfast. Which is usually the same, cheese bread and meat, no one diets on tour :) we then do a load in and checked the gear and maybe head out to the local town or city for a stroll and another bite to eat. Then head back for sound check and sometimes a nap before the gig. After the gigs it is usually back on the bus on off for the next stop.

- How is the contact with the support acts on tour? Do you have time to talk to them?

Yes we do, we met some really cool people and other great musicians this time. This time we had Feed Forward ( a great band in Weert who rock and are really nice people! A pleasure, Alias Eye in Affshafensburg as you know, very cool! And then at Headway we met Shadowkeep, and the Splinter guys who were all very cool. We met the Guys from Prymary as well who were playing the next day at Headway. They rock! We have always had good contact with the other bands we play with, it has always been one of the highlights on tour.

- How often do you meet other band members when you are not rehearsing, touring or recording?

Like Sean said we just went to a Giants game and also saw each other at the SB gig in SF and are actually getting together this weekend at my place. We try and hang as much as possible and rehearse or write a few times a week. We have had a little break since the tour and will be back at it hopefully next week.

-- Who had an influence on whether taking photographs or recording bootlegs are allowed on concerts? The band, the venue, the tour manager?

We have the call on the photography and video shooting and audio taping recording? People are usually so amazingly considerate about this! Especially this trip over. Actually I have been contacted a lot about this, and Doug as well, we usually discuss the circumstances or who it is? We love the photos and videos and appreciate people taking the time to do this. I was contacted by a few people prior to this tour, luckily for us! And contacted a few friends I knew would be coming out to see us. The bootlegs are a different story, we like to have the call on that one. Just in case. In some cases we need to let the venue personnel know or get people photo passes, we let the tour manager know as well when needed. We pretty much handle this on our own, or have so far. By the way a HUGE thanks again to everyone who took picks! And sent them in!

- Why the hell do you need all these guitar/bass pedals? What do they do?

The Pedals, damn we need to get the gear page up people, sorry it is coming soon.

The Bass pedals you see my being tied down too at times are similar to the famous Moog Taurus pedals you see Geddy Lee playing, they add some serious bottom in parts and enable me to play up higher without the band losing its,,,,,,,,bottom. They run an Oberhiem 1000 module in my rack into the house PA, Our sound man extraordinaire Tom Size cranks them up loud in the mains for the shows and shakes the house.

The other pedals I have vary myself. I ran a floor tuner with mute this time, a volume pedal, a TC Electronics chorus flange doubler, an overdrive sans amp, and a new toy, the Line 6 modeling delay pedal with and expression pedel for the very strange and crazy bass solo.

Hey, thanks a lot for taking the time to answer! :)
I'll think of some new ones to keep you busy during your boring daily routine. :grin:
No problem :Spin: thanks for asking.

Sean thanks for chiming in too bro. Your rock!

ich bin besser said:
Hey, thanks a lot for taking the time to answer! :)
I'll think of some new ones to keep you busy during your boring daily routine. :grin:
Great! Thanks a lot for this interesting view "behind the scenes". I really love the way you interact with your fans, take time to talk to them after gigs, sign CDs and so on. This is very special and appreciated! Thank you guys!
Hi everybody and since I digged that Enchant is reading posts too, well let me thank you guys for some great music.. right now my fav's are, well no surprise Nighttime Sky... I just totally fell in love with this song and it really helps me coping with some bullshit....I just recently got into your music and still have to built up my Enchant collection... I started with Blueprint of the world and Break which I both consider fantastic...I had a chance to get some samples of Blink of an eye and that is the next CD I am aiming for... I guess it will be best to sort of take the Enchant journey chronological... or does anybody has a different recommendation?
I am really pissed at myself that I have missed your concert in April.... I realized it on the day it was...... shot.....shot shot.... but next time I won't miss it again.

Peace out for now
Danny (Daniela ;o)
Hello Danny

And welcome to our board, thanks for stopping in and for the kind words.

Hey pick up the Live at Last Disc or DVD first and work backwards. Can,t go wrong there, the live disc has a big selection of our catalog over the years.

And then you will feel like you never missed the show in April ;o) You must be in the bay area.

Also no worries on that because we are working hard to book some US dates right now. Especially here at home and maybe LA as well for starters.

Hey we broke out Nighttime Sky on the Euro tour this year, brought back all the chills and emotions I felt years ago when playing it. The 13 part in the middle section is still a b#$%h t play :P bu the song will get your mind off things! Been there!

It is right there with What to Say for me as my favorite Enchant song.
Hi Ed,
how cool you replied... actually I am from Germany ... wish I was at the bay area...but I am not...:( , so I would prefer - perhaps.. you'd come back here ;o)...soooonnnn, haha

Well thanks for the tip on how to work myself into you guys.. (sounds weird, huh) but I was taking a look at that aswell and it sounds pretty good.. so I definetely take your advice on that one..

And yeah Nighttime Sky leads you to an inner peace in harmony with nature which we are all a part of, but to often forget.

Great that you love that song so much too....and surprising that this song still touches you ... you must have played it so many times...but some songs will keep on doing that to you for the rest of your life no matter how many times you played or listened to them.

Well since this is the question thread... are you planning to come back to Europe to promote your new CD when it is finished? (no pushing here ;o)...) and I will definetely stick around here... so that I won't miss the chance to meet you guys in the future.

Peace out for now
Take care
Danny ;o)

P.S.: Thanks for your reply that is really neat

We hope to be back early next year again. Maybe even as soon as February???

Germany is like a second home for some of us. So we will be playing a lot of shows there hopefully. It just depends on how soon we get the next disc done. We are working on that right now. So hopefully you can see us then.

On Nighttime Sky, its a personal fav of mine and I never get tired of playing it. And still get the same chills in certain parts! Always! You have that so right!

Thanks again Ed

I'll add a question here...

I just got Live at Last (for my birthday...isn't my wife great!)

My favorite Enchant song has to be The Thirst...mainly because it was my first Enchant moment. Yeah, I am one of those lucky one that bought aBPotW right when it came out!

I was hoping to see Doug play the intro to The Thirst on his guitar so I could learn it. But it plays from the CD clip of the intro...

Why? Is it because the beautiful sound of that intro is difficult to play live? Is it simply a way of entering the stage for the guys? Also, on the original, are the guitars and keyboards both playing in the intro?

Thanks and keep working hard on the new monster


ps Think about Canada on your potential tourdates...Montreal and Toronto are prog cities!
Hey I almost missed this one.

JF hey thanks a bunch, we appreciate it! espeicially that you have followed the band for so long. Right on. And thats a cool gift! for sure.

And man we close hey with the B-days.

Hey I believe Doug or Steve Rothery played an e-bow on that part your referring too? right Doug? or there were layered parts that make it difficult to play? we have played it in the past, long time ago one of the early tours. Yes it is a great part. And actually pretty cool for walking out. Although I always liked playing it myself, just because I love the bassline.

On Canada that would be great but getting up there might be expenisive. We will have to look into that.

Thanks again Ed

jfcote said:

I'll add a question here...

I just got Live at Last (for my birthday...isn't my wife great!)

My favorite Enchant song has to be The Thirst...mainly because it was my first Enchant moment. Yeah, I am one of those lucky one that bought aBPotW right when it came out!

I was hoping to see Doug play the intro to The Thirst on his guitar so I could learn it. But it plays from the CD clip of the intro...

Why? Is it because the beautiful sound of that intro is difficult to play live? Is it simply a way of entering the stage for the guys? Also, on the original, are the guitars and keyboards both playing in the intro?

Thanks and keep working hard on the new monster


ps Think about Canada on your potential tourdates...Montreal and Toronto are prog cities!
ebass said:
Hey I almost missed this one.

Hey I believe Doug or Steve Rothery played an e-bow on that part your referring too? right Doug?
Thanks again Ed

On the CD, you can read that Steve Rothery plays (additional) the E-bow...
And yesyesyesyes "the thirst" is amazing...
Never forget that one played at BieBob in Belgium more than 10 years ago.
The first time I saw Enchant (also the first time for them in Europe, I believe)...

Ed??? Am I right...

That was one amazing prog evening...

Enchant AND Jadis.... :hotjump:

And....... Enchant playing "Brickhouse".....
Never heard that one again.... :grin:

Ed, what you were saying about February... :cool:

:worship: Back in Weert at "De Bosuil"... With hopefully a packed venue...
Still regret that............................
An amazing evening with less than 100 people to witness it....
A real shame. :erk: