Questions for the band


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
As some of you may have seen on Facebook last night, I was asking fans of the band if they have any questions for the band? About the new album or anything PQ related really.

Feel free to drop any questions you would like answered here and I'll do my best to sort that out!

We are going to be answering these questions via video in a few weeks time which will of course be posted online.

Wow man, that's so awesome. Videos would be awesome too.

I have many questions actually, but I can only remember a few right now. I'll ask what I can remember though

1. what kind of promotional campaign are you guys planning for the album?
2. was it -very- expensive to complete the album(considering the mixing/mastering/producing as well as artwork and other things)? How much approximately?

That's all I can remember I'll ask some more later.

Remember that if we have a lot of questions we won't be able to answer more than one from everyone probably to be fair to everyone.

The promotional campaign is Napalm's job and I don't have any say in that side of things.
What were the guys of the band doing before Power Quest? I know Chity's been singing for several groups, and our beloved Steve is the one we know most about, but I'm especially curious about Gavin, Andy, Rich, and Paul. I'd like to know more about the fellow Questers :lol:
Japanese bonus tracks are apparently to discourage Japanese fans from importing the album, as CDs apparently cost more in Japan. So rather than that money being taken out of the Japanese economy and injected into others abroad, they add a bonus track on the album that no-one else gets.
helping alot:D!

So it's cause a cd in japan costs more than what it does in, for example, europe? sorry buh once again my english ain't the best:p
Is the japanese bonustrack an instrumental or an normal song like "Find my heaven" for example?
Steve: what are your highlights of Power Quest this far? and what do you still want to accomplish that you haven't already with the band?

Did you originally set out to alter the bands vocal sound by hiring a singer with a different range/style to Allessio, or was it just too good an opportunity to miss when Chitty showed interest?

The new members of the band: How do you feel to be in Power Quest? from a fan point of view would you love the new album as much as the old?

Paul: was it weird to go from stage manager/long time friend of the band to Power Quests full time bassist?
What are everybody's favorite PQ songs/albums, and why? This includes you, Steve!