Love, From Me, To You

in deepest respect and love for you all because you have provided me with hours of entertainment, imparting upon my feeble mind wisdoms I may not have stumbled upon on my own.

things I had never, ever considered until I read them here:
1. concentration ranch for dogs (Ar-Bark Macht Frei, indeed...)
2. listening to Emperor at work
3. oh shit oh shit oh shit stone baby oh shit (or was it a series of "oh fuck"s)
4. befriending a Serbian who moved to Montenegro due to it's paucity of Blacks
5. pencilskirt

I can never repay you. but I can offer you a couple of tokens of my esteem. First, these haiku which I wrote about six months ago:

my head hurts a bit
much beer did I drink last eve
one more ale I'll have

hussein you moron
prepare your stretching sphincter
its your assfuck time

and these pearls of wisdom from an ancient issue of Tiger Beat:


and so for now, ciao!
I am like a piece of gum on your shoe, I will never leave...

my good cubemate Katrina actually cried when she found out I was moving to another cube. I prefer to believe they were tears of sadness rather than of joy and anticipation. I said, "look, I'm only moving about thirty feet away!"

Katrina: "but now you're leaving me all alone with the redfaced laughing woman!"