Love of Live (part två)

Weren't you such a huge WASP fan? Then the answer appears simple to me ;) Plus Death Angel and Kataklysm are quite good live. You cannot really go wrong with Testament and Kreator either though. Or just choose the gig that is the most convenient in regards of both date and venue.

not a huge fan, but i like them :)

it's simply that i cannot choose. :err:
the most convenient one for price is rotting christ + entombed, only 16 euros :heh:
Rotting Christ is incredible live, they sound far better live than on the albums. I would choose to see RT over the other bands, despite I've seen Testament and Kreator on the past and both bands kick ass (specially Testament).
this summer's gonna be a total madness regarding concerts.
usually there are no interesting concerts during the hot summer days, but this year something strange is happening.
the problem is that i'll be very busy with work, have nearly no free days (neigther free sundays) and i'm able to do one concert this july (nothing enough interesting in june)
but i'm having an hard time to choose.
i really cannot. i've already seen each group, exception made for entombed and cathedral.
the most interesting concerts are:
wasp + death angel + keep of kalessin + kataklism
testament + kreator + cathedral
entombed + rotting christ + necrodeath

only one among these :confused::bah:
which one?

I'd have to go with Testament, Kreator & Cathedral,(:worship:) that's the best overall line up for me as I like all three bands. And since you say this is the only concert with bands you haven't seen yet, that's even better! Just saw Testament on a one off show in Copenhagen and they were simply amazing! Mille and the guys are always cool; I've only seen Cathedral once, but as I recall they were really good as well (been some years though). I wish that show would come up here, I'd go for sure!
i've seen rotting christ two times, and yes they are amazing on stage.
but also testament and kreator! very powerful bands....but i've seen them more than two times, kreator about 4, and testament maybe more...
Going to see Jane's Addiction on July 30th, can't wait for that!

Also got a ticket to see the White Album concert: said:
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the The Beatles’ seminal White Album, four Aussie rock greats will band together for special shows in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney.

Josh Pyke, Tim Rogers, The Living End’s Chris Cheney and Grinspoon’s Phil Jamieson will be joined by a 17-piece band to pay tribute to the Fab Four’s hits. FasterLouder is proud to present these one-off shows.

As the press spiel promises: ” The White Album songs will be performed in track order, starting with Back in the USSR and closing with Good Night, with state of the art sound.”

So that should definitely be a good show, the musicians involved are all talented individuals, and the venue it is being played at in Melbourne, Hamer Hall, has simply amazing sound and ambience, so I'm really looking forward to it.
Mano, estan viejos eso cabrones. They came to NYC a month or two ago, I didn't hear good things. Concert was sold out, though. You know... I vaguely remember seeing them in the 1990s in San Juan. They had some sort of techno-electronic phase and were pretty awful.

That's a lot of negative there... they're a good band, was just saying... =)
Cadillaaaaaaaaaaaacs!!! :kickass: :Smokin: :worship:

This is going to be the best concert of the year!!!

When FC will play live there? I hope they come here soon.

I bought the Hate Eternal + VR ticket, only 12 euro :OMG:. It has printed the HE and Gorgoroth's logos on it (it looks like Gaahl + King were about to play here, but they are not part of Gorgoroth anymore. I hope to see the new Gorgoroth's line up live sometime).
a close friend of mine is going to take the airplane and fly to norway just to see the ulver's concert which will take place in lillehammer this saturday :kickass: :goggly:
It's probably worth it too. I'd love to go there, but the wallet says "no".

mine too :waah:

and let's not speak about the fact i fear to fly :lol:

i would love to go to norway, a friend is on erasmus in bergen, he invited me there, but it's a problem for me now, mostly for money and work :Smug:
Going to Sweden Rock Festival next week, Black Sabbath is gonna be so awesome. Hopefully, but not very likely, I'll get to meet them somehow, maybe talk some football with Tony Iommi and have a beer with Dio :lol:
Vintersorg should drag his butt down there for a show :mad:
@RUNK: I agree. It is odd though, you'd think a big metal fan such as he is would attend a festival like SRF. All of the years I have ever been there, I've never saw anybody from any of the V-projects. Strange. Maybe he goes and just hangs around backstage? I don't know. Of course, by the 3rd hour into it, I'm already drunk. Hehe. I'm sober the last day, all day, for sure - always!
Have a great time though! I have a chance to go with my girlfriend, but no way from Norrtälje to SRF. If you see a girl with blonde hair, heavier-set, (probably)dressed in all leather with a bunch of rings on and named Elin... tell her I say 'hi'. Hehe.

@LEFAY: I think the WASP would be a kill show! Wasp rules no matter what; plus, Death Angel is great as well. I would go with Wasp, definately!
New gig booked! old school BM band Pentagram will reunite again to play live on my city on 2 weeks!!

(Pentagram is a thrash/black band from Chile who in the early 80's did music in the same vein as Venom, Celtic Frost and such. Some known guys from BM scene have cited them as influence - like Ihsahn, or Masse from Dark Funeral. They split up on early 90's, played live on 2001 once and nothing more, until now. Apparently they will play at Wacken 2009).

Maybe they need some money... I dunno, but I'll attend the gig anyway.
Fabulosos Cadillacs were very good, really, I love them. The guys are very, very old, they had to do these ambient pauses a lot, I guess to rest a bit. The concert started 1:30 min late, and this guy "Johnny-man" opened it. He danced to some Reggae crap. Everyone was so tired that no one really wanted to see him, so people started throwing coins and bottles at him. He wasn't really dancing, he was avoiding all the stuff! :lol: He only played for 10 minutes, I went for a leak and when I got back he was about to finish :p . Anyhow, Cadillacs were great, I enjoyed Santa Carmela, Malbicho and Matador a lot. Although the latter was played in a very slow way to be honest. All in all, a very good concert, somewhat stained with delays and sound problems.
Just back from Sweden Rock Festival, and I had an awesome time! Saw too much to review everything in here, so if you're interested in the whole story check our site, as we will post stuff there for some time to come :)
What could be of interest for this forum might be a great discovery I made in the band Kebnekajse - This was (apparently, I had not heard about them before) a psychedelic rock / folk music band in Sweden who were pretty big back in the 70ies or so. I knew the guitarist Kenny Håkansson from some solo stuff he has done later, so I knew his extreme talent, but I was still amazed at how cool this band was. Played for about an hour, no vocals, songs flowing in and out of each other, intense feeling! :rock:
Glad you liked them. I missed them unfortunately but I have the first three of their albums.
You didn't happen to be one of us who waited four hours at the Dio signing without getting anything signed?