Love of Live (part två)

Yessss :)
Månegarm are very good but I'm a big fan of Thyrfing, so they are my priority, yeah!!! I saw them in Gates of Metal 2006 & it was great!
Bor du i Umeå???
I'm a big fan of Månegarm, and I dig Thyrfing and I've heard great things about Skyforger but I've never listened to them.

Tyvärr inte längre men jag bodde där för typ 2 år... vi flyttade för 2 veckor sedan eller nåt. Bor du i Umeå? Har du sett att Hypocrisy ska spela House of Metal?? Det skulle bli jättekul att få se Hypocrisy!!
Anyone thinking about going to the Månegarm release gig in Stockholm?

I'm pretty stoked, I haven't been to a show since I saw Rotting Christ in Umeå in 2007.

I'm seriously thinking about going. I have listened to all three bands for quite some time now. But as usual, it's all about the money. Also, I need to contact some old friends to see if I can have somewhere to stay while I'm in Stockholm.
I'm seriously thinking about going. I have listened to all three bands for quite some time now. But as usual, it's all about the money. Also, I need to contact some old friends to see if I can have somewhere to stay while I'm in Stockholm.


Obituary and Goatwhore are playing in Seattle this Saturday. Should I go? Big minus: The show is $28. But, I haven't been to a show in a while, and I'm starting to feel cabin fever.

(We actually have a stupid amount of good shows coming our way this fall - so far, I'm interested in Satyricon, Eluvietie, Ensiferium, and Marduk. And the two 'E' bands? Play on the same *week*. That week may require a coin toss. This list isn't including Obituary, mentioned before, and Dethklok, who I would see just for the hell of it. This is what I get for bitching that there were no good shows this summer. )
I'm seriously thinking about going. I have listened to all three bands for quite some time now. But as usual, it's all about the money. Also, I need to contact some old friends to see if I can have somewhere to stay while I'm in Stockholm.
Where are you living now?

Don't the trains run late? 'Cause I'll probably just take the train back to Uppsala.
wanna see månegarm too :waah:

i'm probably going to see finntroll the 20th. they're are playing quite near, just two hours of car :rock:
it's has been since 2006 that i don't see them :Smug:

i just missed dark funeral last sunday, i had to work and they played pretty far :erk:
NovembersDirge: Jaha, vad kul! Visste inte att Hypocrisy ska spela. Har sett Hypocrisy en gång men vill se dem igen, så klart ;)
Jag bor i Karlstad, en liten stad va... hehe, men funderar på att flytta till Örebro :cool:
Jag å min man kommer till Månegarm RP så vi kan kanske ta en öl tillsammans, vad säger du???

Draugen: Du borde också komma till Månegarm så vi kan ha en öl tillsammans, med NovembersDirge alltså :)
Förresten, Malmö är en JÄTTEFIN stad, I just love it :)

Lefay: Oh, so cool, Finntroll is great! I haven't seen them but I really want. They will play at Inferno 2010, I probably will come, yeaaah :p
Enjoy the show!!!
You've moved to Malmö now? Bored with Blekinge? ;)

Yep, started school (again) to survive during the financial crisis :p Lots of good concerts during the autumn on KB as well. I just saw Anathema last sunday and schedule looks really good with bands such as Amon Amarth, Candlemass, Trouble, Entombed, Behemoth, Paradise Lost etc.
Will you be there for any of these concerts? Time to have a proper beer together IMO
NovembersDirge: Jaha, vad kul! Visste inte att Hypocrisy ska spela. Har sett Hypocrisy en gång men vill se dem igen, så klart ;)
Jag bor i Karlstad, en liten stad va... hehe, men funderar på att flytta till Örebro :cool:
Jag å min man kommer till Månegarm RP så vi kan kanske ta en öl tillsammans, vad säger du???

Ja, det låter fint! Jag vet inte om jag ska vara ensam eller inte. Min flickvän tycker inte så mycket om metal och jag känner ingen i Uppsala. :(

Jag vill gärna se Hypocrisy. Det suger att vi inte bor i Umeå längre eftersom House of Metal biljetter är ganska dyra..

Yep, started school (again) to survive during the financial crisis :p Lots of good concerts during the autumn on KB as well. I just saw Anathema last sunday and schedule looks really good with bands such as Amon Amarth, Candlemass, Trouble, Entombed, Behemoth, Paradise Lost etc.

Will you be there for any of these concerts? Time to have a proper beer together IMO
Holy crap! I'm jealous as hell. I've always wanted to see Anathema. I love that band. It seems like more bands play in Malmö than in Stockholm...
Yep, started school (again) to survive during the financial crisis :p Lots of good concerts during the autumn on KB as well. I just saw Anathema last sunday and schedule looks really good with bands such as Amon Amarth, Candlemass, Trouble, Entombed, Behemoth, Paradise Lost etc.
Will you be there for any of these concerts? Time to have a proper beer together IMO

We are at least going to the Amon Amarth/Entombed show for sure. Are Entombed coming by themselves as well?
Hopefully, we'll also have time for Paradise Lost, but will have to check that one out closer...

Anyway, beer time! I cannot stress this point enough! BEER! (do you think they allow drinking horns in kb?) :kickass:
We are at least going to the Amon Amarth/Entombed show for sure. Are Entombed coming by themselves as well?
Hopefully, we'll also have time for Paradise Lost, but will have to check that one out closer...

Anyway, beer time! I cannot stress this point enough! BEER! (do you think they allow drinking horns in kb?) :kickass:

My misstake, I meant the gig with Amon Amarth, Entombed and Evile. Hehe, I'm not sure if they allow drinking horns there. Anyhow, I'll most definitly see you there. And we should make sure we drink a bit more than during the Dia Psalma gig :grin:
My misstake, I meant the gig with Amon Amarth, Entombed and Evile. Hehe, I'm not sure if they allow drinking horns there. Anyhow, I'll most definitly see you there. And we should make sure we drink a bit more than during the Dia Psalma gig :grin:

Oh, I will definitely drink my share (and maybe someone else's as well :grin:)
Plus, we are bringing some Germans to the show, so it'll be a real little October fest!