love that heavy metal


New Metal Member
Dec 15, 2001
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hey there thanks for that lovely thing you said rahvin it made me feel welcome and you really need to get icq ppl so i can chat with some of you cool ppl
also what you guys and girls htink of my picture yuk! i know but anyway get icq so we chat chat about our heavy metal together
"hell riser is here all knee and for her" and "lick me away" hehe j/k
:loco: :lol:
no need to thank me, really. hope you'll feel at home here with the good ol' dt crew. ;)

just let me suggest you not to start a new thread if you want to keep on talking about the same/similar topic already present in an old one: it might get confusing with 2.000 new threads open every day. :)

anyway, that was just to improve quality vs. quantity, nothing to do with you. i do have icq, but i mostly write posts from the office where i work and it wouldn't be wise to happily chat my day away on top of all that, hope you understand. ;)

NO RAHVIN WE DONT UNDERSTAND! I want you to chat happily on ICQ ALLLLL day. Why the fuck not? Why not chat happily on or something? Talk about who won the football game and how cute the cheerleaders were. No your not going to the dance? Alright, no girls wanted to go with you anyway, their all with me and |ngenious!

ehm....welcome to all newcomers!
Originally posted by Final_Vision
NO RAHVIN WE DONT UNDERSTAND! I want you to chat happily on ICQ ALLLLL day. Why the fuck not? Why not chat happily on or something? Talk about who won the football game and how cute the cheerleaders were. No your not going to the dance? Alright, no girls wanted to go with you anyway, their all with me and |ngenious!

i see some problems there. for instance, i have no idea who won the football game and i didn't see any cheerleaders recently, much as i would have liked to. ;)
as for the reasons why i don't chat all day, i already raised the issue once with the institution i work for (the local uni, btw), but somehow it looks like they're not getting my point. wonder why... :err:

rahvin. (*runs around screaming 'the caps, aaaah, the caps, they're getting into my _h_e_a_d_!!!'*)
Oh! chatting chatting....
that's the great thing working at home, when I'm sick I chat, when not sick, I tend to chat a little more to get sick again and then I can go on chatting since I'm already sick back!
Some might say is a vicecircle, I think it's more oval shaped...
But anyway, I understand there some bosses who complain to ppl when instead of doing what they're paid for, the get confident with the first IRC client at hand ;)

fathervic (who never thought he would ever try to inject the PC directly to the vein)
Originally posted by FatherVic
But anyway, I understand there some bosses who complain to ppl when instead of doing what they're paid for, the get confident with the first IRC client at hand ;)

*rahvin looks left and right casting paranoid glances to his suroundings*

i really don't know what you're talking about...;) ;)

hi there i have to idea what that guy was going on about so if anyone in this thing! wanna send me anything ok add is or icq 113763613 so drop me a line and we can talk about anything OK SOMEONE TALK TO ME I HAVE FRIENDS THAT R INTO HEAVY METAL SO SOMEONE CHAT TO ME PLEASE I BEG YA!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by fear_lord
hi there i have to idea what that guy was going on about so if anyone in this thing! wanna send me anything ok add is or icq 113763613 so drop me a line and we can talk about anything OK SOMEONE TALK TO ME I HAVE FRIENDS THAT R INTO HEAVY METAL SO SOMEONE CHAT TO ME PLEASE I BEG YA!!!!!!!!!!

he was making fun of my working habits: i spend some 6-9 hours a day at the office, from where not only do i reply to every single post on this (and a few other) boards, but i even spend endless time d-loading stuff from irc channels.

as to chatting with you, fear_lord, there's no need to beg since we're more than willing to do it. in fact, we're already doing it here on this forum. before soliciting communication through more 'personal' means (e-mail, icq) it would maybe be easier if you posted some messages here so that we get to know you better. talk about what you like, dt related or not. the whole board's listening ;)

rahvin. (less caps, more rock ;) )