Low Meaning of the Song

I never thought much about it, but by what I have heard (in the song) it sounds like how lowly people can be, I might be totally wrong though
It might be about a drug dealer that sells drugs to kids (innocent people suffer the loss, leave the kids alone, I hope they lock you down so you never get away), but as most TestAmenT songs it can be interpreted in different ways, I think... it might be about some leader starting the war or oppressing his own people or about someone who loses his faith and starts to harm people, 'cause he abhors himself or whatever.
Nice topic. Hopefully we'll discuss some other TestAmenT lyrics too on this forum.
BTW, welcome to the forum, viva 360... what's your interpretation?
In the video Chuck is dressed like an indian, having black paint or oil or something poured all over him. Maybe it's a statement on the repression of the indians, kinda in the vein of Anthrax's "Indians".

Don't know tho... Just a thought.
That's a nice thought, I'd say. It could be it. We won't know unless TestAmenT releases a book with "official interpretations" of their lyrics some time in the future :D. Low' s definitly not my favourite TestAmenT lyrics, but it's still good and I prefer lyrics that provoke some thinking on their interpretation over the point-blank one's (which can still be great) and believe it's way harder to write something more universal and multidimmensional.