Ltd ec1000t


Jun 16, 2007
Jax, Fl
Played one the other day, I'm lusting after one so bad. I love how it's a full body, I wish they offered it with evertune. Anyone have one? Or selling one!
Played one the other day, I'm lusting after one so bad.

GASing, the correct term is GASing. :p
Just bought this. it's the ec1000t but with an evertune installed and the emg 57/66 pickups. should be sweet! wanted a les paul with full thickness, as they just sound better than the thinner regular ec1000, but with an evertune bridge, and this came up! seems to be exactly what you wanted too :p

Oh, I win this round for sure :)
My ESP Custom Eclipse full thickness.
I have changed the pickups to duncan 59s since these photos.
This is an amazing sounding and playing guitar.
I have one and love it. It's always the guitar I pick up first. I believe they are all mahogany, no maple cap, just like the original Les Paul Customs. It is thick and has great sustain. As much as some people hate EMGs, they complement this guitar. I just wish that it had the metal works EMGs in gold.
Just bought this. it's the ec1000t but with an evertune installed and the emg 57/66 pickups. should be sweet! wanted a les paul with full thickness, as they just sound better than the thinner regular ec1000, but with an evertune bridge, and this came up! seems to be exactly what you wanted too :p


I think that bridge pickup is not installed correctly.
Just bought this. it's the ec1000t but with an evertune installed and the emg 57/66 pickups. should be sweet! wanted a les paul with full thickness, as they just sound better than the thinner regular ec1000, but with an evertune bridge, and this came up! seems to be exactly what you wanted too :p


Damn. I want.
haha evertune shared it on their facebook page and i saw it just before whilst scrolling down my newsfeed. was pretty funny
Damn, DeclanWhite, that's a beauty! I have an ESP Eclipse II, and I actually don't like how light and thin it is, but I have a full thickness version coming in the mail today. Maybe I'll do a comparison video or something.