The problem with that scenario being that LTE kicks ass. Also, not to go for cheap shots, but god forbid musicians be successful and can make money off of doing this kind of thing whilst doing something the fans have been asking for for years. I can understand why people on this forum would have a hard time understanding that.
You just basically called every person on this forum a retard.
Thank you.
Hmm.. fall asleep when listening to Dream Theater.. fall asleep while listening too Dream Tension ExperiTheater.
Portnoy: "Hey Petrucci, I've got an idea!"
Petrucci: "If you let me out of my cage I'll.."
Portnoy: "Shut up and listen! I know a way we can make more money!! Instead of having that girl singing in our music, we can play music without the singing stuff!"
Petrucci: "We're close enough to that already, I mean almost 80 percent of our songs are made up of seemlessly endless soloing sections"
Portnoy: "No, but this will be cooler, see we'll call it another name, almost as if it's another band but it's not"
Petrucci: "Let's at least get another member for it"
Portnoy: "Hmm.. you're right! I know, let's drop the asian in our band and get a new bass player. The reason being he's asian!"
Petrucci: "Yeah!! That asian! Alright let's do it!"
Portnoy: "Woo hoo!! More money!! Less asian!! More solos!! No bitch vocals!! Still making bad music but getting payed!! Woo!!!"
Petrucci: "I'll solo to that!! -switches pickup selector to God killing mode- Yeah!!"
Portnoy: -Plays a polyrhythm over a time signature of 144/69-
The problem with that scenario being that LTE kicks ass. Also, not to go for cheap shots, but god forbid musicians be successful and can make money off of doing this kind of thing whilst doing something the fans have been asking for for years. I can understand why people on this forum would have a hard time understanding that.
Eh, if they want to bitch about DT, they're gonna bitch; I have better things to do, myself. I'm not impressed with this announcement personally because I don't much care for LTE, and I'm on the fence as to my thoughts on how big a draw an instrumental band is going to be as a headliner; for people who were around when the cds came out, it may be a big deal, but I don't know if the appeal is strong enough to really be worth the while to people who aren't already familiar with the music. Guess we'll find out, eh?![]()
The problem with that scenario being that LTE kicks ass. Also, not to go for cheap shots, but god forbid musicians be successful and can make money off of doing this kind of thing whilst doing something the fans have been asking for for years. I can understand why people on this forum would have a hard time understanding that.
So you think that their motivation for this is money, but have doubts that the tour will be much of a success. I wonder if Portnoy and company, who have been doing this for over 20 years, ever put any thought into this. You also agree that it'll be a big deal for the relatively small number of existing fans of the LTE stuff while it probably wont appeal to much (if any) of the newer fanbase or win over any new ones.....
Sorry if I'm coming off as a dick, but I'm just not seeing where your logic is working here.
I think either way, this isn't going to be a significant money maker for those involved. Levin could make more money in a weekend of session work, and DT could just as easily put out some new merchandise or just tag some solo dates on or around the Prog Nation tour. It's already being pretty well received by the fans and I think regardless of financial shit, the tour will go off very well.
Portnoy: "Woo hoo!! More money!! Less asian!! More solos!! No bitch vocals!! Still making bad music but getting payed!! Woo!!!"
Also consider the fact that Portnoy is someone who sold his freaking beard shavings online, & that sheds a somewhat different light on his motivation and much of what he 'can make money' on (just because you CAN do something doesn't mean you should).
edit #2: "That Tony guy" is one of the most legendary musicians in the prog rock scene, and I'll be seeing LTE at least once for him alone.