Metal Blood

New Metal Member
Aug 29, 2006
This is the person who was wearing the Rush shirt. You have a very distorted view on what was going on at this show. Perhaps you can go on this board and tell some more stories about how cool you are. It seems to me that you guys were upstairs in the balcony the whole show cranking your meat, scared to come on the floor. You were standing beside my brother the entire show so tell some more stories. I talked to the both of you for about 2 min. before the show started and none of the conversation you wrote happened except for the part where I told you this was my 6th time seeing Nevermore. Bragging? No, just one fan talking to another. Driving 1/2 hour? Since when is Vancouver, B.C. (where I live) a 1/2 hour from Seattle. I love how you act all tough on the board stating how you snapped at me. I actually walked away glad to have talked to two "metal fans" and then I read this fabricated story on the board. If you were so tough why didn't you do anything about it? Not once were either of you in my face or threatening me or told me off. So I hope you feel better now that you have slagged me, safely in your bedroom at your parents house. I welcome you to come to a show in Vancouver or next time you are at a show in Seattle, please email me at to meet up, then you can tell me to my face what you think. I doubt that would happen because you had the perfect chance to do so that night and didn't.

I fully expect you to reply on here and trash me some more because that is obviously why you are on this board. It sure isn't to talk about Nevermore.
this is GOLD

and totally makes up for that guy at jaxx who wore handsewn leather vests and I was hoping would come here and do this same thing but never did.
Hey bud, I was the guy beside you wearin' the SYL shirt, who came from Chilliwack.

...You were still a bit of an ass to grab Warrel's mic cord. haha.
you are right. I would agree. (that was my friend Jack Daniels who was doing that). My last post.
hmmmmmmm so many possible responses to this.

Let me just offer a bit of a suggestion, maybe you and your friend Jack Daniels need to part ways for a while.

Perhaps you were engaged in a conversation you thought was friendly, but it did in fact come off pretty badly. Yelling Nevermore in people's ears for no reason is not friendly it is rather annoying.
Asking me a question then cutting me off in mid-answer is not friendly also.

Pulling Warrel's microphone cord while he is singing is not fun nor funny either.

By the way, what did you do to get kicked out after the show? That was you correct?
Chromatose said:
this is GOLD

and totally makes up for that guy at jaxx who wore handsewn leather vests and I was hoping would come here and do this same thing but never did.

LOL, that thing was so shoddy, I wanted to ask him if he made it when he was drunk :lol: