You can respond by admitting that everything you wrote below is a lie (I don't care either way), as we both know you were not at the front of the stage. I believe in Karma and you will get yours one day. Why you wrote complete garbage is beyond me except that I was an easy target because Warell was talking to me during the show and I was the only one wearing a Rush shirt (easy to point out.) This is my last post on the matter because I know everytime you post on here it will have nothing to do with Nevermore and it will be made up. I don't get into pissing matches on the net, I would rather do that face to face. I have to admit I was pretty scared when you "backed me down".

Here is the post from the National Bullshitter:

"During the final crappy band I made my way to the front next to Tyler and Will. And then, as I knew it would, the drunken idiot appeared behind us. You all know the one, instant asshole, just add alcohal. bragging about this being his 6th time seeing Nevermore, Screaming NEVERMOOOOOOOOOOORE for no reason into everyone's ear. Dripping sweat even before the show started.
He tried to brag to me about his Nevermore experience " 6 times dude ", he of course did not know who he was talking to. As I proceeded to answer his question of " how many times did you see them? " he immediately cut me off.

" I've seen them at least twice.." " TWICE THATS IT????" I snapped back " mother fucker let me answer,at least twice on EVERY tour, with he exception of the tour with Death "
He then backed down slightly, as much as a drunk idiot would. Seeing ym opening I proceeded to back him down even more.
" I flew here from the East Coast just to see this show and I've flown to Cleveland to see them at BWBK "
So he tried to push back with the weak " Ever see Sanctuary? "
" yes, more times than I can count. I bought the shirt I'm wearing back in the day at one of their shows "
Why do people try to our do each other with this stuff I'll never know, but once the door is opened I'll gladly push my ass through."
DreamNeonBlack said:
hmmmmmmm so many possible responses to this.

Let me just offer a bit of a suggestion, maybe you and your friend Jack Daniels need to part ways for a while.

Perhaps you were engaged in a conversation you thought was friendly, but it did in fact come off pretty badly. Yelling Nevermore in people's ears for no reason is not friendly it is rather annoying.
Asking me a question then cutting me off in mid-answer is not friendly also.

Pulling Warrel's microphone cord while he is singing is not fun nor funny either.

By the way, what did you do to get kicked out after the show? That was you correct?

Was there some sort of a mix up on your way to the library and you ended up at a metal show?
Cutting you off mid-sentence? are one of the most long winded posters on here. Try and let other people talk for once and don't be surprised when someone else has something to say.
:zombie: Yelling Nevermore? Imagine the nerve....what are the chances of someone being excited to see Nevermore at a Nevermore show. The odds have got to be astronomical.
I was right up near front center and didn't see any intentional mic cord grabbing. I saw it get caught up in the crowd. Thats why most venues have a barrier. If you prefer barriers and seamless shows I think the Silver Jews have a show coming up at the Showbox or maybe the Dixie Chicks?
Part of being a metal fan is being close enough to scare the band. I'm pretty sure thats why Nevermore continue to play Studio Seven. They like it there. It was not a new experience or a surprise.
As for people getting kicked out of Studio Seven. There was a newer security guy on that night, the one with the New Kids On The Cock haircut and he thought he had his shit together. In essence he didn't have the balls to do anything himself so he pointed out several people as trouble to the bigger security guys and had them ousted. What were these monsters doing? Pulling a weapon, spitting on him...nope...trying to peek around the corner to see if the band was coming back out. Regular terrorists.

Sounds to me like you need to loosen up and make friends with Jack Daniels.
Will Bozarth said:
Dude, you're retarded. They were right fuckin next to me up front. I was right in front of Jeff, leaning against the floor monitor.

Not to rip on you dude but are you shorter in stature?
Metal Blood said:
I love how you act all tough on the board stating how you snapped at me. I actually walked away glad to have talked to two "metal fans" and then I read this fabricated story on the board. If you were so tough why didn't you do anything about it? Not once were either of you in my face or threatening me or told me off. So I hope you feel better now that you have slagged me, safely in your bedroom at your parents house. I welcome you to come to a show in Vancouver or next time you are at a show in Seattle, please email me at to meet up, then you can tell me to my face what you think. I doubt that would happen because you had the perfect chance to do so that night and didn't.

I fully expect you to reply on here and trash me some more because that is obviously why you are on this board. It sure isn't to talk about Nevermore.

I just checked those threads to be sure and I found exactly what I expected. There was no mention of how tough Lunar Still or Dreaming Neon Black thought they were compared to you (or anybody for that matter). They just ripped on the drunken idiot who deserved to be ripped on.

Just because you can kick somebody's ass doesn't make you more metal. Just because you like Jack Daniels a little too much doesn't make it OK to fuck with the mic cord during a show. Even if they did get up in your face and you kicked their ass all the way to Vancouver, you would still be the jerkoff who fucked with the mic cord and they would still be right.
I disagree. Superman could probably beat the shit out of everyone, and he is THE MAN OF STEEL.

That is fairly indicative that strength = metal degree